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Why in the world do fans of celebrities, always agree with them no matter what? - Printable Version

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Why in the world do fans of celebrities, always agree with them no matter what? - Curious - 11-09-2012 06:33 PM

A celebrity could say anything and these people would agree with them.

For example, one celebrity just posted a picture of his sister on Facebook. His sister is like 400 pounds and looks like a man. He said she was beautiful of course so some fans agreed with him lmao. WTF?

- Ryan Swagger - 11-09-2012 06:41 PM

ya if you think thats bad watch the wwe lol the crowd agrees with everything the wrestlers say like one time one wrestler was like america sucks and all the american crowd was yelling YAAAAAA! lol

- Shopaholic-* - 11-09-2012 06:41 PM

Lol, they do it because they feel dedicated to the celebrity and that the have to agree with them or they wouldn't be a true fan.

But if what you said about the 400 lb sister is true, then thats just pushing it for fans to lie lol but like I said they won't feel like true fans if they don't agree with the celebrity, they'd probably think that if they disagree with them the celebrity would hate them, though I doubt the celebrity would really care.

- hugebread807 - 11-09-2012 06:41 PM

It's the same mindset that caused the idiot fans to declare Michael Jackson a "hero" and a "saint"; he was neither.
I call it the "Jim Jones syndrome". Jim Jones coerced his followers into moving to Guyana; when things started going badly for him, he had his followers drink poisoned KoolAid. Most of the members of his "church" died in a mass suicide. They believed in him so much that they had to do what he told them to do, no matter what the cost. It also happened in California, with the "Hale-Bopp" crowd.