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How would you feel if your ex's new girlfriend did this? - Printable Version

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How would you feel if your ex's new girlfriend did this? - ♥Does He Love Me Or Does He Not♥ - 11-09-2012 06:34 PM

My ex's new girlfriend, decided to go onto my facebook and comment on my wall, she wrote on the wall 'nice seeing you today, too bad you weren't in the car with us' and in a photo of me and my ex from a profile pic wrote 'now hes mine...<3 brooke'. how would you feel and do you think she has a right to do this? Also if your ex starts dating 5 months after he broke off it with you, do you think he ever loved me?

- Peter - 11-09-2012 06:43 PM

Just ignore her, but anyways i don't think you should have him in your FB if he is an ex, unless you are still good friends, and 5 months is a long time to wait after breaking up, so i'm sure he really cared about you.

- Ava - 11-09-2012 06:43 PM

that was pretty lame of his girlfriend to do... unless you did something mean to her too..maybe we need to hear her side of the story to be totally sure. but generally, that was mean and immature of her. she sounds like she must be a young teen. as for your second question, 5 months is actually a pretty long time in the world of dating, if he waited that long that's pretty good. He sure could have loved you.

- kae - 11-09-2012 06:43 PM

Five months is a decent amount of time to move on.

As for Brooke, she's a total bitch. Sounds like she's jealous of you and trying to make you feel bad for NO good reason, or at the very least she's petty and immature. Take the high road and ignore her. Or better yet, defriend! (Though that's not always considered the high road haha.)

- katexxx - 11-09-2012 06:43 PM

She is very childish do not even lower yourself to her level put your head up high and smile every time you see her. she must feel your a treat to her. he wont stay with her too long if shes that kind fo person.its hard seeing him move on and after 5 months i think some people do even if they did have feeling for you it all depends how ye broke up in the first place really. don't worry bout the bitch she will get her day!!