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Do you ever feel sick of the 21st century? - Printable Version

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- jollyNinja382 - 11-09-2012 06:43 PM

Its all so they can create new trends and get investers, and advertise there celebrites who in turn sell their norms and values and products through music.

I ignore pretty much it all, i only have myspace for some old friends

- Cute Little Puppy - 11-09-2012 06:43 PM

I'm only 2 months old; I don't know any different.

- Michael A - 11-09-2012 06:43 PM

I rather like Wikipedia as a quick reference tool, though I miss the authoritative nature of the old Encyclopedia Britannica. I still own the set on my shelves. Wiki will never be able to match that kind of thoroughness and reliability.

Granted, I'm old fashioned. I miss library card catalogs very much!

What does disturb me about the entire internet is that the most absurd opinions of bloggers get equal time with objective facts. It seems as if a growing opinion is that everything is relative and nothing is particularly true. Whereas I rather hope that there is some kind of objectivity to the universe, or we're in big trouble, hahaha.

I'm afraid I will not likely be an active member of the Facebook generation, lol.

I remember what joy I felt on the night of New Year's Eve going into 2000. The much-feared Y2K problem did not turn into a worldwide disaster, and there was hope and exhilaration in the air. Then September 11, 2001 came along and ruined it all.

More than anything you mentioned, I despise creeping governmental snooping into our private lives. I think fear of terrorism has been much more a problem than terrorism itself, though I hope for a loosening of attitudes and a growth in personal liberty as the new century progresses.

As a gay American, I would not want to go back to 1994, since in many states our "anti-sodomy" laws were only overturned by a Supreme Court ruling in 2003. But in many other ways, I quite agree that Twitter contact will never match the intimacy of real, face-to-face encounters and actual telephone conversations.