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How can I anonymously send the police a message online?? or can i? - Printable Version

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How can I anonymously send the police a message online?? or can i? - Abbey Hale - 11-09-2012 06:36 PM

I'd like to inform them on something, but I dont want my relatives knowing im doing it.

I know that may sound like i'm doing something wrong but
I know someone in my family that sells drugs & I want a stop to be put to it
before they get hurt over it.

- Hobbs - 11-09-2012 06:44 PM

Just e-mail KC-V

My Bad!! There should be an online form from your local police.

- Claire - 11-09-2012 06:44 PM

It depends on the police station, so I can't say, but you probably can. Google your local police station, and they may have a website. Clear your history after that, though. But you could always use a payphone, or borrow your friend's phone (with their permission, of course). Or write a letter, even though it may seem archaic. Whatever you do, ask them not to contact you again so that you don't get caught.

- KC V â„¢ - 11-09-2012 06:44 PM

Thank you "Hobbs" for the vote of confidence!

If you wish to send information to your local police concerning illicit drug can call the narcotics division of your local law enforcement agency and tell them the information without giving your name.

You can also call the "Crime Stoppers" or "Secret Witness" numbers normally advertised by the agency.

Some people even know officers with Twitter or Facebook accounts which you can send information, however, they will know you sent the information.

I don't care what anybody says about illicit drugs being a matter of individual choice...the use of drugs is a serious health issue to the individual, family, and community.

- C - 11-09-2012 06:44 PM

You can anonymously call

- nyckid1987 - 11-09-2012 06:44 PM

I dont think you should do it. Let them figure out the consequences themselves and they'll be alot better off. If you do inform the police and they get in trouble for it, wouldn't you feel guilty? Don't put matters into your own hands and let it take its course. If you do plan on doing something like that then i would inform them first so one of your family members doesn't end up behind bars, because its not fun at all and you may not know the extent of which they are dealing and actually could put them in prison for a long time. Think long and hard before you make this decision.