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What do you get a 14 year old girl and an 11 year old girl for christmas? - Printable Version

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What do you get a 14 year old girl and an 11 year old girl for christmas? - Dynamicpolice238 - 11-09-2012 06:37 PM

My mom asked this question already but me and my sister need more ideas.My birthday is 3 weeks after Christmas and I dont know what I want for christmas or my birthday Im 11 I will be 12 in January my sister is 14. We both love animals. We both have a facebook and a cell phone. I have a digital camera. any ideas?

- γοςςjνα - 11-09-2012 06:46 PM

Ipod touch, Clothes, Bedroom makeover, Flat screen tv... possibilities are endless

- Rev. Paul - 11-09-2012 06:46 PM

USB memory keys, two each for back-up, for use at school and alike, if the school uses such technologies.

Batteries and/or memory cards for the digital cameras.

Diary, clothes, Justin Bieber stuff (if you like that), a vacation, sporting goods...

- Cherrise Esplin - 11-09-2012 06:46 PM

For yourself, Justin bieber stuff if you like him... iPods, books if you like reading, giftcards are always good, my secret is asking for lots of giftcards and then shop on boxing day. 2 words. MAJOR SALES Smile

For your older sister, uggs are THE BEST. You can even buy fake ones if you don't want to pay 200 bucks. Giftcards as well, jewlery and stuff like that is good!

- RaynDrops04 - 11-09-2012 06:46 PM

Do you like creative, cutesy stuff, plus getting lots of packages in the mail? You could ask for a gift package subscription. You get a cute fun package once a month, and each time it's full of fun surprises (check out their site for samples).

The name of the company is fair ivy surprise package subscriptions --I get them for my sister and she almost freaks out waiting for the mail each month.