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What will my councilor do if I tell her I cut myself? - Printable Version

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What will my councilor do if I tell her I cut myself? - Bianca - 11-09-2012 06:38 PM

I'm 16 and I cut myself from time to time.
I have been seeing my councilor for about 2 months now and I haven't told her yet. She asked me a few times but I shook my head and said no.
My brother was staying in a youth hospital were they treat psychosis depression and all that. Would she make me go there?
I live in Australia by the way.


- Brenda - 11-09-2012 06:46 PM

Anything u tell a counselor is confidential until u tell her ur guna hurt urself or others. tell her maybe u do need help...

- Stephanie - 11-09-2012 06:46 PM

It's important to tell her about the self harming. They will not make you go to a hospital unless you're trying to kill yourself so if you just explain the reason behind it then more than likely no, she won't. She will try to understand why and then try to help you. That's what she is there for.

If you'd like more support or information, please feel free to check out my website. It has a forum board, blog about the journey I take as a bipolar woman with a 5 year old diagnosed as Bipolar I with psychotic features, symptoms lists, and resources. Or you can just follow us on FB: