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What is a free website that can help you find someone in your family? - Printable Version

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What is a free website that can help you find someone in your family? - Kkay Baby - 11-09-2012 06:38 PM

if anyone has any idea or experience with this it would be helpful.

- W - 11-09-2012 06:46 PM

This is a similar answer I gave someone else, but I think it can help you too:

Well first, you must remember, genealogy is VERY hard work. If you are willing to put hours of work into it, then it can be as rewarding as it is difficult. Anyway, you have to start by asking senior members of your family questions about their relatives, and then look for records (birth, marriage, death, etc.) Here are couple sites to get you started:

101 Ways To Research Your Family Tree For Free

FamilySearch Free Records…

Tell me what areas you are looking for, and I may be able to source some more sites. Also, with some names and dates, I can use my account to look a few things up for you.

ADD: Remo: Isn't it a little immature to copy other peoples answers? Have you nothing better to do? I saw a few other questions where you stole peoples answers. This is a violation of the community guidelines, anyone who reads this, please report Remo.

ADD: Sorry, I put the wrong 101 Ways To Research Your Family Tree for Free link in. I fixed it now.

- Tina - 11-09-2012 06:46 PM

If you are looking for a deceased ancestor the following plan should be helpful and it includes websites.

First, start by asking all your living relatives about family history and get any documents or pictures they are willing to share with you for your files. You can photocopy or scan these and return them to their owner. Your public libraries will most likely have both and Heritage free for anyone to use while at the library and with a library card you should be able to use Heritage Quest at home.

Another free online resource is USGenWeb at a free site hosted by where you can search for surnames and leave queries on the message boards.

Additionally, there is the LDS/Mormon site, which has many free online records at .

Also, be sure to check each state that you need information from as many have their own projects, for example, the state of Missouri has a great website that has many free source documents online at
And, do not forget to check Cyndi’s List at
both of these sites have many links for both free and fee based sites but I believe most of the fee based ones are marked with a $.

I am certain I could list many more websites but this list is rather comprehensive while being easy on the wallet, which is something everyone can appreciate these days.

However if you are looking for a living ancestor, in genealogy, we research our ancestors not living people but sometimes you can find people on Facebook and MySpace. If that fails try:

If they own property or have recently sold property, some states property tax records are online and a few states have probate records online. You will be able to find little else online.

There are companies that specialize in background checks to screen potential employees for companies that could be helpful in locating someone or you could hire a private detective.

- Veronica Alicia - 11-09-2012 06:46 PM

Your question isn't very clear about the subject of your search - if it is genealogy or a lost living family member.
Suggestions have been given about the former, so if you are looking for a living person, you could try "Friends Reunited" (free) "Facebook" (free), "123people" (free), if in the UK for a possible telephone number - they will make a charge if you want info from the Electoral Roll, like an address.
The Salvation Army will also do a search for living relatives (they make a small charge)
If in the UK , you could find someone who has a copy of the Electoral Roll on their computer and ask them to look up your cousin, Joe D. Bloggs from Liverpool, for example. The published roll is only 80% complete, but that is often a successful tool