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What can i do to get someone's facebook deleted who isn't allowed to have one? - Printable Version

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What can i do to get someone's facebook deleted who isn't allowed to have one? - Kawaiidita - 11-09-2012 06:43 PM

My younger sister has a facebook....she is 13 but the problem is that many people who she has on facebook bad influences her...she has become rebellious and doesn't parents have tried to make her delete it but they can't. She isn't allowed to have one...but she sneaks on it. Is there anything i can do?

- A3P - 11-09-2012 06:51 PM

I dont know about you, but there a lot of things that your parents can do, its called consequences

- Luke - 11-09-2012 06:51 PM

well since she's 13 so it's legal. but you can block facebook from your internet. but that means you can't use it either. i'm 14 and all the schools i go 2 disable fb

- Brad - 11-09-2012 06:51 PM

What you should do is while she is in the shower or something, see if she leaves her facebook open, then deactivate it!

- simon - 11-09-2012 06:51 PM

You can look at yourself and how u influence your sister and stop blaming fb.....or at least talk to her on a level (as a sister) and show her whats going on.....

- Seida - 11-09-2012 06:51 PM

First of all... Even if they get her to deactivate her account, all it takes is for her to log back in and she will be right back to where she left off. Facebook accounts don't actually get deleted.

Second. If your parents are having so many problems with her internet use, why is she using the computer at all? I realise, that even if they don't allow it at home, she could just go somewhere else to use it, but that is an issue every parent faces. DISCIPLINE!!!

Third. I'm not sure how old you are, but I'm assume you are probably not THAT much older than your sister. Stay out of it! All you are going to do by meddling is cause problems between you and your sister, even if you are only trying to help. Let your sister make her mistakes, in the end she will figure out that the things she is doing and the way she is acting, is wrong, and you will be there to help her through.