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What's the easiest way to get a follow off One Direction? - Printable Version

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What's the easiest way to get a follow off One Direction? - Darcy - 11-09-2012 06:43 PM

Basically, I love One Direction, and I always spam them on twitter, but I've never managed to get a follow off any of the boys. What sort of things should I be doing to get a follow? And no sarcastic comments, I've been trying to get a follow for like a year :L

- Your motha - 11-09-2012 06:52 PM

I got them to follow me "By accident". I went on chat roulette with my friend to just screw around. And they ended up showing up and we talked and i had them follow me. U could always try that. Or mentioning them a lot on twitter. Def make sure you are following them. Try some shout outs maybe.

- Taylor - 11-09-2012 06:52 PM

In an interview they were talking about how to get their attention on twitter.. (some of this might not be word for word because im doing it by memory lol)

Niall & Liam Said: "Just ask questions, I like it when people ask how im doing, what im up to, and stuff like that." (Liam also likes it when youre polite, "could you please follow me liam, it would mean the world to me! Thanks! x" <-- stuff like that)

Louis said: "I dont like it when people beat around the bush, just be like 'Hey Louis follow me(:' " (After that he laughed and i think it was Liam in the background said "YEAH BUT DONT SPAM!" and Louis agreed with that)

Harry said: "To get my attention type a weird way like: H E Y HAZZAA (lots of spaces) LOVE YOU FOLLOW ME?! Smile xx" (Ive also noticed he follows people with their real picture as their profile pic, he usually doesnt follow if its a picture of hiself as the profile pic. xD)

Zayn was just kind of there in the interview he didnt say much.. I know hes not a big fan of twitter so i think his may be the easiest/ hardest to get because 1 hes never on and 2 he could just easily follow you just because hes randomly clicking things lol. I know hes accidently followed porn stars/one direction haters and stuff like that, poor boy xD <3

Also try being there when Liam does twitcams he usually follows people during them.
So yeah i wouldnt spam much i know Louis blocks people that get annoying/spam him all of the time. & Just answer some of their tweets with like a "omg yeah me too!" or "Yeah Live while we're young is AMAZING." just be nice just dont over do it, Good luck! Smile

- happyveil859 - 11-09-2012 06:52 PM

hey! look, the guys said on an interview that they don't like to be spamed. they say that to get their attention you just have to ask thing like "how was your day?" and that kind of things but the problem is that they have millions of mentions everyday so you have to be lucky if they follow you. so, if you spam them, they will probably follow you.
sorry for my bad english! im latin, lol

- nikita :) - 11-09-2012 06:52 PM

i can't say for sure BECAUSE NONE OF THEM FOLLOW ME
but what i would do if i knew people that had them following them is, get them to be DM'd your twitter name?
mention them a lot in tweets, and just PRAY! there isn't much else you can do sadly! they don't follow much any more Sad
follow me on twitter? @Nikita5SOS