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When i go on facebook my internet suddenly stops working? - Printable Version

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When i go on facebook my internet suddenly stops working? - Sarah - 11-09-2012 06:46 PM

I have been trying to go on facebook for 2 days now and for somereason when ever i go on that specific site (facebook) my internet stops working. It works for a few second and then freaks out and then recovers the page for like 2 secs and then internet closes again and it goes on and on and on so i cant get anything done! My internet works on all other sites i am only having problems with facebook.

- Luke Wayne - 11-09-2012 06:54 PM

Its an HTTP site and if you are using a tether for internet it won't load the page if your trial period expired with your teather host, just undo and redo, if not then I wouldn't know without more info, like your internet provider computer etc