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How can I convince my mom to get a Facebook? - Printable Version

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How can I convince my mom to get a Facebook? - The Party Hat - 11-09-2012 06:48 PM

What are some things i can tell her to make her want one! a bunch of my family has them and they want her to get one too! i am tired of asking... please help!

- KayyBee - 11-09-2012 06:56 PM

Tell her its easier to communicate with family members, catch up with them and see what they're up to

- ♥Miley Cyrus♥ - 11-09-2012 06:56 PM

u will meet so many people from high school

- T - 11-09-2012 06:56 PM

I think it's kinda sweet that you want your mom on facebook...most people are hoping their parents never go on it!

My own mother is really anti-Facebook, but if I were trying to convince her to join, here's what I'd do:

- Offer to set up the account for her, or even set one up for her. Sometimes people unfamiliar with the technology just get really, really frustrated with it. Anything you can do to make that easy for her will be helpful.

- Find out what she's most worried about and reassure her about that. My mom thinks that everything on Facebook is seen by the whole world. I've tried to explain to her about the privacy settings and whatnot, but she doesn't believe me. If you set up the account for you mom, you could explain that you've set it so that only family members can see what she wants them to see, etc.

- You might consider having a family member who has pics online send her an invite to view them - the only way to view the pics is to have an account, and that might be an incentive to get one.

- If you do set up an account for her, put up a generic picture of a flower or something, not her. Pictures of themselves online tend to freak out people who are leery of facebook.

- Be with her to help her navigate the website. Bookmark it on her computer so its easy for her to find. You might even set hte password, then have the computer save it. The easier you make it for her to use it, the more likely she will.

- Show her how it's not just a waste of time. Do you have family members from far away who post pics or IM using facebook? That might persuade her.

If none of this works, just respect her choice and stop bugging her. She might come around some day. :-)

- JOHN C - 11-09-2012 06:56 PM

If your mom doesn't want a Facebook account, respect her wishes and leave her alone about it!

- Bry - 11-09-2012 06:56 PM

Tell her that its one of the easiest way to share photos to loved ones.

- Tigger - 11-09-2012 06:56 PM

Tell her she can track your every move, and she will join in a Heartbeat.

- Amazingearthquake948 - 11-09-2012 06:56 PM

You can find and keep in touch with people who leave her life, or that she hasn't seen in a while, plus it's a fun experiment to set one up!

- Which Craft? - 11-09-2012 06:56 PM

According to psychologists, Facebook makes people stupid.
Their memory span, concentration span, attention span and I.Q. level drops. Same goes with having an IPod and cell phone.