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What are some negative statistics about facebook? - Printable Version

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What are some negative statistics about facebook? - MyIIsHere - 11-09-2012 06:54 PM

trying to argue that facebook is a negative agent. It does not deal with problems correctly (behind closed doors), and allows people to find out about people without them knowing.

- Eve D - 11-09-2012 07:02 PM

I'm pretty closely connected to facebook, and I haven't heard many, if any, negative statistics like you're looking for that have been published or otherwise computed. There's a lot more crazy stuff out there about myspace because of all the young children who've used it, etc. Would it be possible to switch your focus?

- Chris - 11-09-2012 07:02 PM

With the recent changes they made this year to facebook, any message you leave someone else will be visible on the homepage of all your friends. Same goes for pictures, groups joined, relationship status changes, and general status changes.

Now those features can be turned off but many won't realize or won't know how to turn them off until they say something that everyone they know shouldn't or wouldn't want to see.

Also, there have been reports of employers and teachers at more conservative schools looking on facebook and finding incriminating photos of people smoking pot, drinking underage, etc and have then either fired, suspended or in one or two cases expelled the student. Nowadays it can be the easiest background check for an employer to perform when someone applies.

- kotonguyen821 - 11-09-2012 07:02 PM

They're really strict and have more restrictions than myspace. That's what I've heard. You can't create like nice backgrounds, little gifts you have to pay, not much for creativity.

- Rick - 11-09-2012 07:02 PM

Among the common negative feedback is that 'facebook' is additive and can take away precious productive time from employees, beside that I heard Prince William joins 'facebook'.

- Adam D - 11-09-2012 07:02 PM

On the news not to long ago they were saying how employers are starting to use Facebook to determine who they are going to hire by there personality. Because you can say to an employer that you are hard working, never drink, etc. Than they can go on Facebook and see all these party pictures and stuff like that. They try and figure out what you are like.

Also same thing goes with Scholarships and Bursuries for school. They now go on facebook to check to see your personality and if you are the right person for that scholarship.

Getting Pretty scary in that sense but overall its not that bad if you just want to chat with friends and meet old friends that you haven't seen in awhile