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How to pursue a friendship with a girl that out of my league? - Printable Version

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How to pursue a friendship with a girl that out of my league? - N. W. - 11-09-2012 06:54 PM

There was a nice girl who was a intern for 1 week to where I was working. I'll say we became acquintances. I add her a Facebook. From her Facebook profile her live looks alot better than mine. Some of her pictures have hundreds of comments on them both from males and females. But mostly males.I would like a relationship with her no doubt lol. But as of now I just want a really close friendship with her.

- Lee - 11-09-2012 07:02 PM

tell her how you really feel about her and you never know.. she might just like you back

- calmstove897 - 11-09-2012 07:02 PM

people are not their facebook pages... and unusually large numbers of comments on girls' photos means s**t... ask her to lunch or to have coffee with you; THAT would be real.

- Katie - 11-09-2012 07:02 PM

there is no such thing as "out of someone's league" in my opinion. what matters is how you feel about each other. just start talking to her....and see what happens. hey it is worth a shot!

- Mara - 11-09-2012 07:02 PM

Tell her how you feel. Most girls will NEVER know a guy likes them, and hey.. She might just be thinking that your out of her league. Go for it, or you will never know. You might be missing out on something great.

- Warren - 11-09-2012 07:02 PM

start trying to talk to her frequently and hangout outside of work. exapmles: mall, mini-golfing, amusement parks. it doesn't really matter at first if you are alone with her or she has friends there too. and you want her friends to like you to. eventually you will want to have time where it is just you two hanging out. be fun and always look good. get to the point where she can tell you everything and that she realizes that she needs you so that she can be happy. and when the time feels right make the move. but be careful to not get stuck in the "friend zone"

- JR - 11-09-2012 07:02 PM

Well help her do things, and talk to her. Just interact and build up a good relationship with her and you'll do fine. The important thing is that if you really want her you shouldn't back down and claim she's outside of your league. She's in your league, in your domain (your workplace), nows the time you ask her and communicate with her. Do it confidently don't be nervous girls like guys who can talk straightforward. Most importantly don't give up no matter how many other guys like her, remember, you still have a chance.

- Sarg - 11-09-2012 07:02 PM

Facebook profiles mean absolutelly nothing, I know some real losers who are popular on the internet. Anyone can do that crap. Just go in with confidence, don't let her toy with you, and HOOK UP!

Being Athletic or Strong doesn't score girls like it did in highschool, I know Bodybuilding is my hobby and it's not the chick magnet it's cracked up to be. Girls in their 20s and up are looking for Strong Providers, if you've got a Job and a Car then there's no reason she's out of your league.

Of course if she does turn you down don't get all bent out of shape, just snarl a rude remark and move on to the next girl. I actually insulted a girl after she turned me down and began to move on about my business when she called me back, told me off, and eventually wound up Dating Me.

A lot of girls are weird like that, they don't want to date a guy unless they feel he is superior to them. Call me sexist but take a look around at all the real nice single dudes out there