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Have you ever heard of there being a limit of how many text messages you can send through facebook? - Printable Version

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Have you ever heard of there being a limit of how many text messages you can send through facebook? - Daniel - 11-09-2012 06:56 PM

I was on facebook a lot today, and it gave me a warning that I was close to hitting the limit of how many texts I can send. Have you ever heard of this? Has this ever happened to you?

- Murphy - 11-09-2012 07:04 PM

life, it has never happened to me. Was it cuz you text'd too many times in an hour?

- behi - 11-09-2012 07:04 PM

what!! it has never happened to me!

- Irwin - 11-09-2012 07:04 PM

Sadly yes.Several of my friends have had this warning,and two of them were banned from face book.The longest ban was five days,and from what i have heard the bans vary in time.We even had a link for signatures for one of our friends saying please allow ###### to chat on face book which attracted many signatures.We think its because they prefer the server to be doing adverts rather than chat,which generates no income.Does this help.

- Irwin - 11-09-2012 07:04 PM

i have never heard of it! but i dont think i have sent enough messages to have that! like in one day i have sent like 10! or something like that!

but i dont message people alot on there! i use MSN alot!

cause its more girls that i know who go on! and i dont have alot of girl friends...mostly guys! LOL why am i telling you this!.....? LOL