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How to help my friend??!!! PLEASE read? - Printable Version

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How to help my friend??!!! PLEASE read? - :D - 11-09-2012 06:57 PM

My friend, Anna, has always been a happy and bright person, but today she was totally the opposite. I tried asking her whats wrong, but she ignored me. After many attempts she finally said a boy she liked (the guy and her are really good friends too) was avoiding her, because of some bxtch, (this other girl was being a real bxtch to her for no apparent reason, and a lot of people hate this girl). She also had a lot of other reasons, not just her problem about the guy. And today, when I was checking my notifications on Facebook, I found out Anna posted this:

[[[[I'm sick....sick of everything. Sick of being lied to. Sick of being deceived. Sick of people faking to be my friend. Sick of being betrayed. Everything... "I'm sorry. Do you want to forget everything and start over?" I hear this crap so many times. Don't try to apologize to me.... it wont help... and I'll be betrayed once again in the end, even if you mean it. There's just too much I can't stand.... I just don't know what to do anymore.... </3

Maybe I'll end it.... so you can be happy.

</3 </3 </3


I'm sorry.

I'll take my life if thats what you want....]]]]]

I really want to help her, but I just don't know how!!! She won't tell me anything, and I'm really worried!!!

Please help!!!
She's NOT trying to get attention!!!! I've known her for years and she's NOT the type of person to do that!!!! And she really means it!!!!!

- Erica F - 11-09-2012 07:06 PM

Look up a suicide hotline for your area. Or tell her parents. Or both. Sometimes people say these things as a way to get attention but sometimes they really mean it and it's better to be safe than sorry.

- Savanna - 11-09-2012 07:06 PM

When you do ask her whats wrong dont say to much and just wait until she will tell you maybe she just needs some time to think or something she will tell you

- Geaux Saints - 11-09-2012 07:06 PM

Report this to a parent, guardian or someone in authority immediately. Even if she is not serious or doesn't appear to be, act to save her life. This is a cry for help, and professional help is needed. Do not take this lightly no matter what.

- Cole - 11-09-2012 07:06 PM

I've been through what she is going through. You need to call somebody about her. Or even talk to a counselor at your school and ask them for help. Suicide is very dangerous and shouldn't be taken lightly