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Do you know any kind of things like myspace or facebook except for kids? - Printable Version

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Do you know any kind of things like myspace or facebook except for kids? - Lizzie - 11-09-2012 06:57 PM

My mother won't let me get a myspace or facebook till im 15! so help me please. i already know of bebo and twitter. i want something so i have a profile layout and so i can chat with friends! thx

- NeNe - 11-09-2012 07:06 PM is my own website. I think is pretty good. It has live music, music videos such as You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift and a lot of games. And if you like Twilight you might be in for a surprise...

- Obi N - 11-09-2012 07:06 PM

I think the problem is she doesn't want people to see you while you on social networking sites. Any attempt to get on one of these by asking her will fail, and you have to have your friends on whatever you use to make it effective, so you may as well use msn messenger or AIM instead of looking for a different networking site. Just try to convince her that you are mature enough for one now (that is, if you actually are mature).

Also most sites do not allow you to register with them unless you are over 13, and if you are under 13, you really shouln't be on a social networking site anyway