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Can my child's father get full custody of my daughter?HELP PLEASE? - Printable Version

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Can my child's father get full custody of my daughter?HELP PLEASE? - IllestGirl - 10-02-2012 12:51 PM

So my daughters dad said he wants to take me to court to fight for custody. Is this possible? I have no job(yet, searching very very hard) but will be attending college this fall. Also he sells drugs but just got a legit job somewhere, all he does is party , hang with his friends and do drugs.he has put his hands on me before, the last time he did i called the police but he left before they could get there so they wrote a case nimber on him. That same night he sent his sisters and cousin to my house to fight me. He always wants to argue via texts and has his girlfriend harrass me on twitter. Can i use this against him in court? I am 18 and he will be 20 this october. Please help I really dont want to loose my daughter so please only serious answers, no smart asses

- Carolina - 10-02-2012 12:59 PM

I'm pretty sure he can take you to court, it's also his child so he has a right to. He seem's he's from a bad crowd and I'm positive you can take that against him. Sending people to fight you,selling drugs and harassment is definitely something that give you more chances of taking your daughter. Don't worry in most cases mothers keep there daughters. Good Luck Smile x

- Leona - 10-02-2012 12:59 PM

I think you should fight him for custody. Maybe call children and youth on him and have them investigate him. He doesn't deserve them at all. Judges really hate to take kids away from their mom's. You should save all text messages. This will definately help you. Go to the police and have them make copies of the messages. The court will be very pleased with you for going to college. Try not to worry. A lawer will know what if any kind of chance he would have. Good luck.

- Laredo - 10-02-2012 12:59 PM

Yes the father can take you to court and seek custody of the child--he is also one of the parents and has as much right to the child as you have. At least he has a job which is more than you can say.

I'm not choosing sides because, most of the time, a one-sided story contains a lot of allegations that may or may not be true. Usually a story like this contains 3 sides, yours, his, and somewhere in between lies the truth.

You are not testifying before the judge and didn't need to throw out all the garbage you could dig up about the father and his relatives on Yahoo Answers. When this case comes up before the judge, you must present PROOF of ALL your allegations; present the text messages, threats, etc., to the judge and let him make the custody decision. The child will go to the parent with the safest and most stable home. Rest assured that "girlfriend" won't have a voice in the matter.
Take out a warrant against her for harassment and let her cool her butt in jail and pay a fine for it.