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How to unblock a blocked website from a computer? - Printable Version

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How to unblock a blocked website from a computer? - i like candies - 11-09-2012 07:05 PM

My friend wants to get a Facebook account except her brother blocked it from their laptop. Does anyone know how to unblock it? She uses the web browser Safari. Thanks in advance!

P.S. - What is a 'proxy'? I don't know ... :/

- Keith - 11-09-2012 07:13 PM

Try a different browser and/or clean that ip address from your hosts file.

- saramau5 - 11-09-2012 07:13 PM

Hmm okay, well I have one idea, I am NOT 100% guaranteed it will work, BUT..
Go to website you want, and it will be blocked right?
Well, in the web address, take 'http://' and change it to 'https://'
You know, add and 's' to the 'http://'
If that doesn't work, do that again on a different web browser. Like Google Chrome or I.E. (Internet Explorer)
Oh and I suggest you not use a proxy, it really isn't all there..
A proxy is like another network type that allows you access to multiple blocked websites.
I don't know much about it, perhaps somebody else can tell you more about it.