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How to do some internet research on someone? - Printable Version

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How to do some internet research on someone? - Susie S - 11-09-2012 07:09 PM

So I am going to go on a date with this guy and I am a little nervous, so I wanted to do my internet research on him but how? Im not sure where or how to look? Help Sad

- squaredad991 - 11-09-2012 07:17 PM

look for his name on Facebook and other social network sites. Google his name. ask for his relatives regarding all about him.

- Colleen - 11-09-2012 07:17 PM

Be careful, you don't want to come across as a stalker. You can google his first and last name in quotation marks, if its a generic name and tons of people come up then try looking him up on his social network site of choice (myspace, facebook, twitter, google+, whatever the hell else is out there).

If you've never met him before or just don't know him well enough, make sure you go on a date in a very public place (perhaps a popular restaurant or coffee shop in a busy area of town) and stay in safe places and well lit areas, carry your phone on you [and really you should be carrying mace/pepper spray in your purse anyway, (test it every few months in an open field or backyard to make sure it hasn't gone bad)] and make up an excuse to call someone to pick you up if things get weird or scary. Gotta be aware these days, just keep your eyes and ears open. It'll go fine, as far as outfit goes just dress according to the date location (morning/midday coffee date= casual, nightime dinner at nice restaurant= dress or nice skirt/pants) However don't feel the need to conform to how you feel he would like you to look...keep your style however the hell you want it to be. Be safe and have fun.