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How do I share my tweets on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I share my tweets on Facebook? - rakunus - 11-09-2012 07:09 PM

Is there any way for my Facebook friends to follow my tweets right on Facebook? Is there any such Facebook application? I don't want to change my status, though.

- calmox - 11-09-2012 07:17 PM

Doubt Facebook would allow that? I guess they're kinda like 'rivals' in the social networking business (unless they're, some how, 'in it together'?)

I know that my friend does have a way of getting tweets onto msn personal messages though, a script on msn plus! i think (i know that probs doesnt help but yeTongue)

- Sarcasticairplane385 - 11-09-2012 07:17 PM

I think this is how I did it go to the link I provided and click on settings then at the top it says sync twitter and Facebook click on that then it will ask you for your twitter account name and password so it can sync together hope this helps

sorry this link wont work so look up Twitter on the FB search bar then click on the first application the one with the picture that says TWITTER a few times then do as I instructed

- Robert - 11-09-2012 07:17 PM

Yes by the help of twitter application on facebook you can share your tweets on facebook.