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Why is Jordan the only arab country that supported egyptians in their revolution? - Printable Version

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Why is Jordan the only arab country that supported egyptians in their revolution? - 7mood - 11-09-2012 07:11 PM

Also tunis and yemen i guess, but majority of arab countries (Maghreb, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar etc..)did nothing, no comments or support Sad

I know that egyptians will get nothing out of their support and they can handle it by themselves but it's nice to see some support from your arab brothers, don't you think?

- giganticman667 - 11-09-2012 07:19 PM

like what you said ... we don't need'em .. .. we can take care of our selves

- wittyvase804 - 11-09-2012 07:19 PM

they've all supported us
palestinians, syrians, algerians, iraqis, etc......
i dont think many from the arabian peninsula supported us, probably coz they have a different way of thinking, the rest were so supportive.
where did you get that from??

- Vavo M - 11-09-2012 07:19 PM

Because, Jordan loves you, and it is not afraid to say what is in there hearts,
second other countries doesn't have freedom of speech and can't talk about politics openly.Jordanian people having big heart for all, full of love and will be for sure first to help.

- Hosni Mubarak - 11-09-2012 07:19 PM

hosni mubarak is a cool dude

- CASANOV - 11-09-2012 07:19 PM

I think you don't have the information. The whole Arab world is supporting Egypt. For the case of North Africa, peiple don't speak English. They go the French version of Yahoo Answers. The Egypt section has been very active in support of the Egyptian people. Another thing is the fact that these countries are not democracies. Their leaders are terrified by possible riots. In the case of Algeria, they live under the state of emergency. All attempts at demonstratinf in favor of Egypt have been repressed by the security forces. Try to Google what happoened near the Egyptian embassy in Algiers. People came peacefully to show support to the Egypotian people and found the police ready to reply.They blocked all accessto the area and later pretended there were only 50 people. Also there are many FB groups who were created in Arab countries that do not censor facebook to support the Egyptians.
we admire the Egyptian people for their courage and determination. Believe me, last night were were all in a state of shock

Feb 11, 2011 at 5:20 PM
Alf mabroooooooook, ya misr

- Egyptian - 11-09-2012 07:19 PM

no specific country , supporters are from around the world.