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My girlfriend continues to embarass me on facebook? - Printable Version

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My girlfriend continues to embarass me on facebook? - Father - 11-09-2012 07:11 PM

Everytime we have an argument she vents her anger in a childlike tantrum by deleting me on facebook and changing her status to single for several days before fixing things again. This Is an antic you would expect from a child but she is a 22 year old professional like me. When she does this it's seen by our family friends and co workers. She makes a fool out of herself and humiliates me. Any advice?

- Carly - 11-09-2012 07:19 PM

Next time don't add her back or accept the relationship request that is ridiculous

- BILL - 11-09-2012 07:19 PM

since she breaks up with you on the internet, you should break up with her in real life. that would probably throw her for a loop. she does these things, because so far, you've always put up with it. if there's never any consequences to her actions, then she has no reason to change. she likes attention. haven't you noticed. quit giving her yours, and she'll go crazy. she likes having all the power in the relationship with you. why don't you show her that you've got some power too.

i bet she's pretty though right? it's usually the prettiest ones that can be the most insecure. ironic.

best wishes. try standing up for yourself and see where that gets you

- John J - 11-09-2012 07:19 PM

Whoa man, lose the chic thats to much, parents and family dont need to ride this roller coaster with you. Its just tooo much.very unpro of her and a bit yourself a favor and go silent on facebook or delete it. Not worth putting your personal life for all to see..and what transpires from it.