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Would it be a bad idea to come out on facebook, kill all the birds with one stone? - Printable Version

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Would it be a bad idea to come out on facebook, kill all the birds with one stone? - LuvaGurrl - 11-09-2012 07:11 PM

Just saying. Your family all over the country would know, your friends and your classmates. All at once.

- kyle smile - 11-09-2012 07:20 PM

i think that's kind of tacky. I think your coming out of the closet story is supposed to be special. I see what you mean, but I wouldn't do it.

- ~Tess~ - 11-09-2012 07:20 PM

well that COULD work. If you do that, you might want to tell close family/friends first before you post it for the world to see. But other than that, it would save you a lot of coming out haha

- Blou Jop - 11-09-2012 07:20 PM

Good idea.

It gives you a benefit of doubt as to whether it's true or not since it's posted online, while opening up opportunities for the ones who's crush on you to approach.

- Ilya - 11-09-2012 07:20 PM

i think your friends deserve better than a "facebook status" or so and so changed her "interested in"
besides...facebook is not necessarily as private as we may think.
and i'm sure there are people on your "friends list" who are not actually your friends.. there are some people who you might not necessarily want to know.

- new gardener - 11-09-2012 07:20 PM

Probably a bad idea, you should keep that personal. Filtered through your family things come out better. filtered through facebook --- there is no filter --- save your family some stress, tell them first.

- Tbing - 11-09-2012 07:20 PM

lol... ive heard stories like that... where people admit that they are bisexual on their preference section of facepic or other social networking site and then they regret it very much because people who arent supposed to know stuff, they know stuff. and they start getting rejected by people, or loose their best friends because the chose that they were gay on their social networking site... you gotta know what your doing, and that there will be many consequences of posting information on the internet. posting stuff is easy, but dealing with the consequences is not... you gotta know what your doing. and i dont think u do.

- Rose - 11-09-2012 07:20 PM

Well, I came out in my friendster account a few years back. It wasn't intentional though; I had a bad case of break-up blues and I wrote it on my blog. Who would have thought that people actually read my blog right?

While I was depressed and months after, people and friends come up to me and ask if what I wrote was true. I just give them a non-challant smile and say: yeah. Don't worry about it, it's the fact that all my friends in friendster are my trusted ones (This makes them remember that my gender is not a conversation topic).

So if you're going to come out in facebook, there's only one thing that you should consider:
Are your friends there your real friends?

- Meow - 11-09-2012 07:20 PM

I think the people who are very close to you, such as your family, would want to know in person. Not everybody checks facebook regularly. I think I would be embarrassed if I were a mother, and I found out significant information about my child through an acquaintance, just because I forgot to check facebook that morning. The people who are very close to you want to know that they are a part of your life and that you share improtant things with them.

But for your larger social circle, I think facebook is fine.

- lovesgirls - 11-09-2012 07:20 PM

I think you should start out telling those closest to you first, then u can tell friends & acquyionatces when your ready. coming out to everyone at once will suck. once u put it out there like that there is no being in the clsoet with ANYONE ever. i prefer to have mroe control over who knwos and who doesnt know. the only good thing, as someone else said, it makes ppl interested in u be able to kno ur gay and that could help ur love life.