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Do I need to open a closed adoption record if all I need is my birthparents medical history? - Printable Version

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Do I need to open a closed adoption record if all I need is my birthparents medical history? - Hey - 11-09-2012 07:12 PM

I was adopted when I was 8 years old. I already know my birth parentss names and I know a lot about my birth mother. However, I do not want to meet my birth parents yet but, I do want the medical records because of when I have children. I want to know the herditary things that they can have such as disorders and diseases. How can I access this information?

- 7rin - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM


Yeah, good luck with that.


Adoption Laws & Sealed Records @

Adoption Records by State @

Sealed records prevent even those who've had step-parents adopt them from accessing their own history.

Good luck.

ETA 'cause I'm a div. 'n' forgot to include it:

If you are in USA @
Click where it says " Before you begin your search." Next, read "Proper way to search, part 1" and then "Proper way to search, part 2." Located on the right column.

There's also:
Adoption Search Reunion @
International Soundex Reunion Registry (ISRR) @
GS Adoption Registry @
Adoption Reunion Registry @

Register and check back with them often.

The State/Country where they child was born and adopted may have it's own registry and access laws, so check that out also.

Also try Facebook, Google, Myspace,, etc.

- Damitra - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

Family Medical History is an ongoing thing that changes daily. The only way that you can get accurate information on other peoples medical status is to speak with them directly.

- cricketlady - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

That is very unlikely to happen. You may be able to obtain some info through your state agency if you were adopted through Foster care. I find it highly like any one is going to unseal any records for you though.

- livin life - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

you dont need can have your genes tested for any pre destined problems.

- H****** - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

People's medical records are protected by HIPPA laws; so the only way to get up-to-date information is to ask the family themselves

If you petition to have the original record unsealed, the medical information (if any) will be out-of-date.

Your State may have a medical exchange registry (they do in New York) through the Dept of Health, a mother can voluntarily leave important health and medical information for the child that was adopted out. There are serious flaws with this system as important, sometimes urgent information just sits there unless the other party makes an inquiry (ie they don't seek out either party to pass on the information, they just hold it)

Oh and the the smartipants who says 'just get your genes tested', as an adopted person myself I'd like to know if there really is a test for the thousands upon thousands of genetically related disorders - every single one? yeah, right.

- minimouse68 - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

Livin Life...What land of delusion do you live in?? It is NOT possible to be tested for every genetic illness out there! I inherited both cervical cancer and cardio myopathy from my first mum.....what you are stating to people is just flat out wrong, and dangerous! FFS if you cant answer questions knowledgably SHUT UP, before you do damage!!

@OP: If you know your first parents names then you need to start searching for them, all you actually need to search is those names you dont need to open the birth records. Even if you dont want to meet with them you can start a dialogue with them regarding medical history but be aware that medical histories change with time so it is something you will need to update as time passes.
Good luck.

- gypsywinter - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

You cannot gain access/possession of another adult's medical records, no matter if one is adopted or non-adopted. Being adopted does not give you any more rights to someone's medical records, then the non-adopted population, even one's mother or father. My adult children are barred from peering into my personal medical records by the HIPAA is also those adults who were adopted as children.

Your best bet is to find/contact your natural mother and have a personal conversation with her.

- Doodlestuff - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

You can't. Any medical information available at the time of your adoption was relayed to your adoptive parents. Privacy laws protect their information and it is up to them to choose to give you the information. I would suggest contacting the adoption agency, but I already know most of them will not forward medical information provided by birth parents. On the plus side, you and millions of other children who have no contact with their families either because of adoption or because their birth father ran out just have to make their way in life.

- Carol c - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

7rin's answer is correct. HiPPA laws will not allow you to get any medical information that your natural parents do not wish to provide.

Some states have a passive medical exchange whereby a natural mother can provide medical history whether or not she chooses to ever meet her adopted out child. Check the list to see if your state is one of them. My state Pennsylvania has one although they don't promote or advertise it so most people don't even know it's there.

Once you've checked your state, If I was in your shoes and concerned about being a sensitive and compassionate person, (you may not have such a concern) I would write a letter when I was ready to either the agency to forward to your mother or directly to your mother if as you claim you know where she is; stating that while you are not ready for contact you would like any family medical history she is willing to share about her family and the fathers. But legally it's her choice as to whether she wants to give it to you.

You mention you were adopted when you were 8 years old. Were you in foster care before that? If so, there may be some medical records there as well. Or were you with your natural mother? Without knowing your specific case, it's difficult to give you an exact answer.

Just remember - the woman who carried you within her body for 9 months while you were gestating has feelings too, and no mother wishes to be only thought of as a birthing device. Good luck.