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Have I missed anything in the past year in the adoption debate? - Printable Version

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Have I missed anything in the past year in the adoption debate? - Parenting is an Option - 11-09-2012 07:13 PM

I'm back! I was wondering since I have switched to facebook have I missed anything on the yahoo adoption debate? Any better arguments for why adoption is soooooooooo wonderful? Any solutions to adoption reform problems? Any more states unsealing records for adult adoptees?
@ Matt that started when I was leaving and we were against it. Damn what is it about adoptive parents trying to force breastfed. I thought adoption was suppose to be about the best interest of the child not the mother's emotional needs.

- minimouse68 - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

Unfortunately, no. Still lots of "how dare you not think adoption is wonderful?" type questions......interspersed with lots of "why are you so bitter?" questions.........sigh. Welcome back.

- thunderingcup142 - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

Hmm... I'm still a sl*tty crack wh*re who is bitter, angry and ungrateful so based on my experience I'd have to say you didn't miss a damn thing. Just like old times lol.

- Annabelle - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

I don't believe we've met. I must have shown up around the time you left. So, welcome back. :-)

Hmmm. Well, according to an asker just this very night, as an adoptive mother, I'm supposed to tow the line, and support adoption indiscriminately.


- Pip - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

Sadly no.

I'm (and other mothers) are still the lowest of the low, we're still "angry,bitter and not accepting that we made the choice we did" so naturally "blaming every body else for our decisions",

Adoptees are still being accused of being angry and bitter if they dare post any negativity about adoption.

Even adoptive parents are getting attacked if they dare say anything "negative" which includes sticking up for the rest of us.

The "adoption is wonderful no matter what" brigade are alive and well here.

- Matt - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

Pip said it best, All I would like to add is there is alot of adoptive mothers here that want advice on breast feeding their new born adopted child......

- tiffany<3 - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

No I don't think so. Everything is about the same as it was a year ago when I joined! There seems to be a lot of alter ego's floatin about though. They tend not to like me.

Welcome back!

EDIT: You know, this question got me wondering what happened to ol' wally & walter lol. hhmmmm

- Rosie - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

friendly wave. Hi!

You missed Walter Ford II.

- skylark - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

Well this is what I have seen since I've been on here for a couple of months or so:

A lot of expectant women and young mothers have learned here that "open adoption" is not legally enforceable, and have been pointed to resources to help them parent their children.

Women have shared their stories about corruption and coercion, and some people who didn't know the extent to which those things are still a problem have been educated.

Adoptees have shared their stories and some adoptive parents have tried to understand their stories in the interest of helping their own children.

Potential adoptive parents have been encouraged to consider adopting from foster care.

New posters have hurt people's feelings and had their own feelings hurt. Some people are just driven away, but others who stick around and keep reading and posting do eventually come to understand a little bit better.

So it may be the same old same old, but it's worth it I think.