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How can i get rid of my stutter? - Printable Version

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How can i get rid of my stutter? - ducky587 - 11-09-2012 07:15 PM

I have a really bad stutter. When i talk in class, people make fun of me. My mom says it's because of lack of confidence, but when people laugh it just makes it worse. I feel stupid. Sad

- TwihardFanpire - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

talk slower

- josiemarie16 - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

This guy comes into my work and he talks with an accent so i figured he was from texas or some other place besides where i live. Well actually he has a stutter so he talks with an ACCEnt to cover it up . try it hope it helps!

- Chris - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

The stutter is actually a byproduct of a stutterer's fears, stress, anxiety and lack of self confidence.

Build confidence, Speaking clearly, speech therapy are some of the ways.

- Viv - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

Count to 10 speak slowly and laugh with them it's amazing how soon they don't find it funny when you have learned to laugh at yourself

- Amanda - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

Speech therapy works really well for a lot of people.

- Chrissy - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

Stuttering is often caused by anxiety. Have you considered seeing a speech-language pathologist aka a speech therapist? A speech therapist can teach you techniques to help you speak more fluently. You didn't say how old you are, but I'm assuming you are still relatively young. Your school should have a speech therapist that can give you an evaluation to see if you need treatment for stuttering. Stuttering is very common and easily managed.

- rebafan04 - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

Reading poetry often helps.

- hellothere - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

I don't think you stutter from lack of self confidence. Stuttering is a speech disorder. I went to school with a guy with really severe stutter I think he was going through speech therapy but all the time I went to school with him I never saw his stutter improve. So by seeing this guy's problem I think overcoming a speech problem takes alot of effort and time. Have you thought of seeing a speech therapist? There is an anti stuttering device you should look into too.

- Bud B - 11-09-2012 07:23 PM

Stuttering is NOT caused by anxiety! Gee, some speech pathologists didn't get any training in the causes of stuttering or were sleeping through that part of a class. If you go to a speech pathologist, make sure they are trained in working with those who stutter so they really will help you. The Stuttering Foundation has a list of referrals at

If you can't get therapy with a therapist who specializes in stuttering, do self-therapy. One of my uncles went to a therapist who used Self Therapy for the Stutterer in her sessions. He bought the book and sent it back home to his brothers. After working through it step by step, they all improved; the uncle who went to a therapist improved more.

Try these resources: there are videos online that show speech therapists working with stutterers; watch them and learn some techniques.

Meet others who stutter here
Stuttering Foundation on Facebook

My uncles who stuttered said that they stuttered worse when they tried NOT to stutter, when they were under stress, and when they were very tired. Try concentrating on what you are saying rather than how you are talking, eliminating as much stress from your life as you can, getting plenty of rest, plus working on your speech using a therapist, the self therapy book, or watching The Stuttering Foundation’s videos and using the things you learn every day.

Ignore the ones who tease you. They are not worth the time of day. You may stutter, but they have worse problems. My bet is that you are much more intelligent than they will ever hope to be. Every stutterer I have ever met has been well read, well educated, and highly intelligent. Once you find your niche, you will soar and be successful in whatever you do; those who spend their time teasing others are usually jealous of them for some reason. You may not be able to speak smoothly, yet, but you know what to say. They may be able to speak well, but not have the brains to know what to say.

Just accept the stuttering as part of you that you are working on. My favorite thing I have heard from a stutterer to a teaser was "I stutter; what's your problem?" You might look at the brochures on The Stuttering Foundation's web site and print out some to give to your teacher, mother, or others about how they can help you stutter less. Showing your mother the causes listed will help her realize that stuttering is not caused by lack of confidence or anxiety.