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Will Your Mootiopain On The Facebook Raise A Mootopian game ever get old? - Printable Version

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Will Your Mootiopain On The Facebook Raise A Mootopian game ever get old? - Candy_Baby - 11-09-2012 07:16 PM

Heres The Game.

Yaa I'm curious?I've been playing for a some time now (lost track of how long) and my Mootopian is currently an adult. I'm wondering, Will they get old or something. Anyone got any pictures to share that has played father than me?
Most Appreciated, Thanks!

- sillypartner186 - 11-09-2012 07:24 PM

I'm not sure, but wait 2 days. (that's when u play and feed your Mootopian) Your Mootopian grows from:
Baby-->Toddler in 2 days
Toddler-->Child in 2 days
Child -->Teenager in 2 days
Teenager--> Adult in 2 days
Adult -->??? in ??? Days

On the days you take care of them.

Haven't played that far...but I'm gonna wait and see what happens.