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how does crushbot on facebook work? - Printable Version

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how does crushbot on facebook work? - LAUREN =] - 11-09-2012 07:17 PM

it predicts the people who have crushes on you and it is surprisingly accurate. along with the "who will be your bridesmaid" app which picked my sister and best friends.
anybody know the secret?

- nikki n - 11-09-2012 07:25 PM

It's completely random. It asks you what sex you are interested in then just randomly picks a few friends off your list.

- Joanne - 11-09-2012 07:25 PM

It picks from random taking into account their sex, whether they are single & whether they are listed as your family member.

- Xeno - 11-09-2012 07:25 PM

""Facebook does not allow users to track profile views or see statistics on how often a particular piece of content has been viewed and by whom. Third party developers, however, may offer applications that provide some of this functionality. Please keep a few things in mind when using these"

People need to pay attention to this bit:
"Third party developers, however, may offer applications that provide some of this functionality. Please keep a few things in mind when using these""

That's why I believe that they base your crushes by how many times they have viewed your profile. I mean, the crushes I got were not randoms, they were close friends of mine and chances are close friends would view your profile more than a random person. I did the quiz 5 times and got the same result.

To be honest, I'm a scared when if one of my friends do this quiz, because they might find out I'm stalking their profile or something...

- STEPHEN W - 11-09-2012 07:25 PM

I'm not completely sure on this myself. I've also gotten pretty accurate answers and it doesn't seem so random. Of the five choices, I've gotten 3 people who I'm really close with, a total random guy, and one of my exes (of whom I still like to this day).

- Jack - 11-09-2012 07:25 PM

im not quite sure how it works but im almost positive its not random because it has chosen people who are quite close to me. it may be based on page views made by this person or chat boxes started. not sure thou

- kimby. - 11-09-2012 07:25 PM

i think it's by how many tiems the person has creeped your profile.,

- Ali - 11-09-2012 07:25 PM

I don't know, but i'm reallyyy curious too!
i've heard rumors that its based on who looks at your profile pictures.
i don't know if i should believe mine was accurate or nott

- El - 11-09-2012 07:25 PM

It seems completely random to me, because I did it multiple times. I found that if you keep doing it consistently, it will give you the same 5 people, but if you wait a couple of hours then do it again, its completely random and gives you a different 5.
And most times, I got some really really random people.

- Alexa - 11-09-2012 07:25 PM

I think it gives you people based on who views your profile too. Two of the people on mine actually like me which is pretty weird.