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What is twitter,I don't like fb cause the drama etc? - Printable Version

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What is twitter,I don't like fb cause the drama etc? - keepitreal - 11-09-2012 07:17 PM

I hear the word twitter everyday. What is it? Same as fb? Details please

- delightfulKiller402 - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

it's kind of like FB, except you just write down what your doing, what your thinking etc and you can reply to other people's tweets, follow people and whatnot

- Chelsea - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

I think it's considered "micro blogging". You post thoughts that are 140 characters or less. You can "follow" or "retweet" any one you want, so long as their tweets are open to you. Meaning they haven't blocked you, or their tweets aren't locked. You can "at" reply anyone, and DM anyone who has it available. It's good to follow friends, or celebrities, and see where they're up to. It's easier to ignore the drama, sometimes, but it still will exist. It's not like Facebook at all (I like Twitter a lot better). It's much easier to pick and choose people who you want to know more about, and it's less offensive to "unfollow" than it is to "unfriend". I suggest you try it. Smile