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Why do you think she was curious? - Aloha - 11-09-2012 07:18 PM

Well my fathers niece added me on myspace. The thing is i have nothing to do with my father or his family because they are all lame.(i have reasons for saying that.)and yesterday i get a friend request from his niece asking if i was his daughter and that she just wanted to add me and im wondering what could made do this because its not like i know her or anything.
Shes 16 im 15.
dog lover they dont know thats the way i feel about them...

- dancinxodior - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

how old is she?... if shes young then maybe she is just curious.. if shes older maybe she ehard someone tlking about you and wnated to look oyu up.. you probably shouldnt accept her if you dont talk to your may cause some problems in the future...hope i helped

- dog-lover - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

she might just won't to look you up, maybe she just found your myspace n added you just to see if you where related to her,
if you do accept and she asked you why you think ur dads lame don't tell her she might change it round and get you hated.

- bummy87 - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

maybe she just wants a friend and being family u seemed like a safe person to talk to

- cyberdogrocks - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

Your father's niece is your cousin. Just call her that it makes things less confusing for those of us who want to answer your question.

Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with her sending you a friend request on MySpace. I recently found some of my cousins on Facebook ands sent them friend requests. I'm not that close to them and honestly it wouldn't bother me if they refused to add me.

If your not that close to your cousin and don't want to add her, then you don't have to. However, if she doesn't know you hate your dad's entire side of the family then how could she know you want nothing to do with her? She's probably wanting to add you as a friend so she can get to know her cousin better. There is nothing wrong with that.

I suggest that you try and give her a chance. Just because you don't like your dad doesn't mean you should take it out on his entire side of the family. Who knows, maybe they aren't as "lame" as you claim they are. Just give your cousin a chance!

- lox - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

I don't think its bad for her to send you a request. She might have found out that you are her cousin and she might want to just get to know you.

I've had cousins that i have never seen in my life that I am just starting to get in contact with. Even if you hate her family is family.

It's up to you if you want to add her, but if you decide you don't then you will miss a chance of even getting to know her. She might be different from the rest of your dad's family.

I wish I could have helped more.

- Grace - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

Well just because she is related to your dad doesn't mean she is your dad.She may be totally different person you just have to give it time. Your dads mistakes arn't hers. x

- Mare - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

If she doesn't really know you but has heard about you then she probably just wants to know about you. If you don't see that side of the family she might not know why, and might be wondering what your like.

- A teenager~ - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

She probably just wants to add you so she can talk to you or something. Maybe she just wants to know you better?
Also, wouldn't she be your cousin...?

- CESCAAツ - 11-09-2012 07:26 PM

Maybe she just wants to get to know you, if you think she's reporting back to your dad delete her.