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If you are on a social network like Facebook, how many of your posts a day pertain to your kids? - Printable Version

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If you are on a social network like Facebook, how many of your posts a day pertain to your kids? - T-Mama - 11-09-2012 07:19 PM

I swear every other post I make is usually about my kids Smile

Is that a parent thing or something?
Bonus Q-
Do you feel that as a parent your life generally revolves more (but not completely) around your children?

Do you feel that you have a place besides just being a spouse or parent?

Do you allow the role of spouse or parent to become your entire identity or does it just add to the mix?

- Gabriela - 11-09-2012 07:27 PM

i don't post daily, but nine times out of ten it is about my kids! definitely a mommy thing!

- kim h - 11-09-2012 07:27 PM

I do not make many posts on there.

- Quietsugar498 - 11-09-2012 07:27 PM

Yes! I don't post multiple times a day or anything, but usually everything on my Facebook pertains to my kids - updates, photos, fan pages etc.
All my mommy friends are the same - even the ones whose kids are now teenagers.

- s@hm prefers peggy - 11-09-2012 07:27 PM

it depends. sometimes its about my kids or what im doing with them. but others its just complete random nonsense.
its honestly a tie on which i like more. i mean who doesnt love to get a million people liking that their boy pooped in the potty? but then again i almost always love it when people get my randomness too..

my life is all about my kids. im trying to find me again. its hard and a process but im working it out.

i used to feel that i was only a mother and wife. im working on changing that now.

- straightflavor489 - 11-09-2012 07:27 PM

Well, I did that Most Used Word thing on Facebook that says the words I use the most in my statuses.
My daughters name was the most used word by a long shot! So yeah, the majority of my updates at least mention my daughter lol

My life is mostly revolving around my daughter, my boyfriend and my job. Not completely, but mostly. I try to get out with my friends every few months so I can continue to be my own, separate person and not just Mommy.

- hey mama - 11-09-2012 07:27 PM

none. am I the only who doesn't do this? I think I am. I am pretty private, even with my close friends, and I don't like posting things like "R and I are going on a walk," or "R is just so cute - he does so and so..." I just don't feel the need to tell everyone on my facebook random things about my kid, since most of the time I'm not particularly interested in random things about other peoples' kids. that sounds so harsh but I'm being honest...I'm just private and I've got lots of people on my facebook who I don't even really like (old people from high school and such) enough to talk to any given I just keep mum on most stuff like that. I would delete people but then I'm going to show up and be one of those people that say you should connect with and then they'd know I defriended them...blah blah blah. facebook sucks Tongue

BQ: my life definitely revolves around my child -- most times. maybe that's why I don't post about them -- when I am on facebook I don't particularly even want to talk about the daily things going on around here...that's what y!a is for....

I still make time to go out and hang out with friends. I'd say I'm 90% mama, 10% other.

- littlecaption855 - 11-09-2012 07:27 PM

Almost all of my posts are about my kids or how I am feeling at that moment in time.

BQ: My life is constantly all about my son and nothing is wrong with that. I will always still be me a mom or wife or not. Sometimes you just get lost in being a wife and a mother, but when I am at work I sometimes just get to feel like myself, but I still my SO and son constantly. I just add it to the mix, I can be all in one.