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Why do these men approach me when they should know I am not interested? - Printable Version

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Why do these men approach me when they should know I am not interested? - εїз Bad Gal MiMi εїз - 11-09-2012 07:21 PM

I often times have men approach me, who should KNOW BETTER (ie, men with girlfriends, men who are way too old for me, men who are FAMILY MEMBERS...yes, FAMILY MEMBERS)

I am always nice to everyone, especiallyin a situation where I am surrounded by my family because I feel comfortable and relaxed, I am just MYSELF. The two most recent situations where I GOT BLAMED for these guys coming on to me are as follows:

1) my cousin lived in TX all our lives, I never met him until last year. He is my second cousin and although we grew up never meeting, I still look at him as family of course, because we ARE-- we have the same last name for goodness sakes!! Anyway, he started texting me and saying inappropriate things. I told my sister and my boyfriend, noone else because I did not want to embarass him. We both have families and children, so I wanted it to blow over. However, the creep had my picture saved as his phones background and when his fiance asked him about it, he admitted that he had feelings for me!!! He said he didnt care that I was his cousin, he is in love with me.... CREEP!! Alot of people got mad at me for this because i should have told his girlfriend what was going on, which maybe I should have but again, didnt want it get around the entire family, which of course it has....

2) (I AM NOT CLOSE TO MY COUSIN< SHE IS A DISTANT RELATIVE) My cousins boyfriend of 7 years, who continuisly cheats on her and vice versa, is constantly commenting on my FB pictures, statuses, and recently I got sick of my boyfriend questioning me about it and sent him a message saying "hey, Ive seen your name in my notifications a lot recently, whats up?" He basically started telling me about their relationship problems, and asking me if I ever wanted to run away?????? I NEVER made him feel like I was interested in him, so why the hell would he think this is ok??

Again, I dont know if I should say anything, this is on the OTHER side of my family and I just dont want to go through this with family again Sad I dont think I am a flirty person, but then again we all act more natural and outgoing around our family than we do other random people, right??

This is making me feel so bad about myself, I dont know why. But I have low self esteem to being with, and the way people make me feel like its "my fault" that they have approached me, makes me feel so bad. I am not a home wrecker, I just try to be a nice person. And what makes it worse to me is that situations like this, that cause so much drama, is the only time I receive attention from men (my boyfriend is not a compliment giver or real lovey dovey) so it makes me feel,WHAT IF I DID DO SOMETHING I DIDNT REALIZE TO LEAD THEM ON??? I really dont think I did. But I know that they must be crazy to try something like that wwith someone so close to their own girlfriends, right??

Do men really just approach people like this with no sign of feelings being returned?? PS, I am 25, and both men are 26-32 (dont know my cousins fiances age) There have been other instances, but these two are most recent and the ones bothering me and making me depressed right now...

- mpesp - 11-09-2012 07:30 PM

When you're young and attractive, you are bound to get lots more uninvited attention. With the cousin you should have embarrassed him, and you should have told him firmly that the messages were inappropriate right before you blocked him permanently. Stop being so nice to everybody, when you are nice to these creeps you aren't being nice to your boyfriend and the other people around you who care about you. Yes, block the freaks from your facebook, just because it's someone who you thought was okay, when someone starts causing trouble, kick 'em out. When people talk about you, they should say, she's nice, but don't cross her, she's tough.

And yes, some men really will approach anyone. If they think there's a chance, they will try it, but don't make it easy for them, and then make them sorry they mistook you for someone who would even look twice at a creep.