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Does my grandmother have control over my facebook? - Printable Version

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Does my grandmother have control over my facebook? - kid12 - 11-09-2012 07:22 PM

She does not live with me or anything. But I want to deactivate it so she can't see anything. I couldn't care less about it and I know that I won't be able to go on it. But can she forcefully make me undeactivate or whatever it? I am tired of her controlling my life and she isn't even my mother!

- kid12 - 11-09-2012 07:30 PM

um no, and if she tries to make you then tell her its not hers and she doesnt own it.. i would worry about it though because she doesnt have your account info so she cant do anything anyways

- Joey Wheeler - 11-09-2012 07:30 PM

well well i did not think you would talk about me on yahoo answers dear

- Amanda Rae - 11-09-2012 07:30 PM

Just let it rot. You don't have to be active on it.

- вαηαη∂σм - 11-09-2012 07:30 PM


- nanabanana - 11-09-2012 07:30 PM

It's your Facebook, not hers. Your mother could control it, not her.

- Gטіlтў♥♥ - 11-09-2012 07:30 PM

No. And deactivating your facebook is your decision. Also, there are certain settings that allow you to block things from certain people Big Grin

- brittanymariee - 11-09-2012 07:30 PM

She can't force you to have a facebook. You can also change your settings so your posts/photos/etc aren't available to her.