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How long is the UK Big Brother 8 on for this year? - Printable Version

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- Bristol_Gal - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

I'm bored of it all now - too much reality and voting TV shows

I think they should do it every other year

- Glenn - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

Too damn long for sure, all its viewers shall pay for their sins on judgement day.

- meeshno1 - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

Not sure exactly how long but i no its gonna b on ALL summer... sumtimes i watch it,, but i think its getting a bit boring and samey,,, time 4 a change do sumat different,,, mind it's funny watching all the odd balls that they pick 2 go on it aint it? Did'nt realise that folk cud be so weird..

- Slick Rick - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

To long

- Mike C - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

Too long

- Georgie - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

Too long!I hate it too.Cant get my head around the fact that people get excited by it.

- zevvie1 - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

If it's on for longer than a second then it's too long! What a load of cr@p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Arsenal365 - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

until their is another race row probably, after the last one I thought that they might cancel big brother....****.

- Arsenal365 - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

However long is too long

I hate saying this, but I really think that it should be boycotted this year and hopefully for good.

Why does Channel 4 insist on giving these vile people oxygen? The so called 'social experiment' is well and truly dead - its now become the last bastion of publicity and fame hungry desparados, chicks with dicks, ex hookers and virgin saddos with no other option or way out of their sad lives then to prostitute themselves on national tv. Their parents must be so proud.

Make it go away, PLEASE!!!!

- Lori - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

Oh my God even a day is too long for me, can you believe they've reached 8 without being lynched for crimes against humanity.

I'm leaving the country for the summer I just can't stand another year of empty headed bimbos trying to shag each other.