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How can I delete my family off facebook without upsetting them? - Printable Version

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How can I delete my family off facebook without upsetting them? - [note to self, think of name] - 11-09-2012 07:24 PM

Ok so I am always worrying about what my friends write on my facebook, as on there I am friends with both my grandmas, my aunt, my mum, dad & brother.
I mean it's not like they write anything bad, just usual jokey stuff, but I don't really want my family checking up on me all the time. I already tried it once but it didn't really work Confused
but I don't want to hurt their feelings?

- Pablo - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

Just do it. You're still a part of their family. Smile

- lovingemotionalart - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

i'm pretty sure that there are options somewhere deep inside facebook that allow you to limit how much certain people can see of your profile, you could just do that if you manage to find it :/(if it still exists)

if you go to privacy settings then customise settings at the bottom, once on that page there is a bunch of drop downs if you go into any of them and select customise you can choose people that can/can't see it

- why my name - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

privacy settings , set it so just your family can see nothing on your wall or any of your photos . i have hidden all my wall posts from friends, tagged photos from my family.

- BlanketyBlank - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

Just delete them it was like that with me and I had them questioning things all the time such as who's that in your picture etc... So I was like F this I'm deleting you and I did and I don't think they've noticed yet lol

Good luck!

- Ronnie T - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

Make another page

- Nosey parker - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

Aren't you grateful you have a family that care about you?

As your family don't seem to log in much is there any point in you worrying yourself about what they might find out. If you have nothing to hide or feel shameful about, just leave them alone and stop worrying.

If I was in your family and on yahoo answers, I think I'd wonder what it is your so shameful about?

- Rachel Maria - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

You can't. If you block them, they will be hurt, no two ways about it.

- Banana - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM

not to make you feel like crap, but it would probably hurt their feelings really bad.. my little brother deleted me once and i felt awful :/

try tweaking a few of your privacy settings first.. if you want to remain friends with them, so they can still see your pictures and stuff, but they can't see ANY of your wall (it's like the wall tab would be nonexistent).. go to account > privacy settings > customize settings > next to 'posts by me', select customize > type their names in the 'hide this from' box.

OR if you want to make it where they can still read YOUR status updates, but not posts to your wall by your friends, change the settings next to 'can see wall posts by friends' ..keep in mind, they'll still be able to see the comments left on YOUR status updates by your friends though..

it's just an idea :/

and if any of your family is like 'ohhh what's wrong with your facebook' you could always tell them you don't know lol.

i have all of my relatives as friends on facebook.. but i've finally gotten to where i don't care if they see what i write. i'm pretty sure they're all slowly beginning to accept the fact that i'm slightly cooky haha

- Ezz Sameh - 11-09-2012 07:32 PM