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How do you tell your parents you have a boyfriend? - Printable Version

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How do you tell your parents you have a boyfriend? - madison - 11-09-2012 07:24 PM

I never talk to them about guys or anything and I've never had an actual boyfriend, just 'things'. I'm 16. How do I tell them that I now have a boyfriend because they'll kill me if they find out through facebook?

- Bob - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

ask dont tell!!!! i tried telllin b4... didnt turn out well

- Greg N - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

First present him as a friend. But make it a friend you go to things alone with. They'll catch on. When they ask, say yes, you guess he is! You can pretend like the "friend" stage was just dating, testing things out, even though he was a boyfriend the whole time.

- iCheer86 - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

This is what I did
"Mom, remember how today (or yesterday) was Valentines Day?? Well I have a Valentine. His name is ____ and hes super nice. You'd love him."

- lottespluswill - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

i'm 27 and i met this guy a few years ago and it went really well and i didn't tell my parents for a while and then it was finally a year that I had been dating him and then it was thanksgiving and I was going home from college and I decided to bring him with me, so then my mom met him at my doorstep and the next month he proposed, and she was mad about not knowing so like its important to tell them if it gets serious so like it doesn't really matter right now if you tell your parents or not, but later once you actually get out of highschool and relationships get serious, tell your parents. right now it's optional.. and don't trust guys if their not amazing i have gone through some horrible ups and downs with guys telling me they love me like crazyyy and then the nxt day they have no feelings

- ~Jesica Hamby~ - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

Just tell them: "Well there is this guy i really like and he asked me out a couple days ago and i really like him alot and i would like to say yes but i thought i should ask you guys first." This shows them that you would ask them permission before something like this and they can trust you. Good luck!

- Heather (: - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

just be like mom can i hang out with ______ ? theyll be like whos that be like my boyfriend(:

- fidd - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

i'm sorry, i couldn't help you, i've never had one!

- Wheelsqueak - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

Maddie, I can't think of any special way to inform
your parents about a boyfriend, but you should by
all means let them know about this very soon before
things progress any further. Choices you make will
effect their lives for better or worse.They have the
right to protect their interest in you, and no one else
is going to look out more for your best interest than
they will.
Now days families must really be on guard against
drug addiction and other scammers looking for an
easy ride. I think it's not a good idea to post your
photo on the Internet; big chance of picking up a
You're a very nice looking young woman, just be patient,
keep working on self-improvement and be ready for Mr.
Right when he comes along. Don't settle for less than a
quality guy because things of this nature tend not to
improve but only get worse before better, if at all.
You gotta play it smart and be prompt in this crazy world,
or you're headed for big trouble.

May things go well for you, Maddie.

- Sweepa Baby 2009 - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

I have a boyfriend.