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How to tell when a baby was conceived? - Printable Version

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How to tell when a baby was conceived? - CrazyInLove - 11-09-2012 07:25 PM

My boyfriend and me have been together since last year. In the begging of the relationship he told me he had a daughter but I then came to find out it has two. His baby mama is very ghetto and starts a lot of Drama. She sill thinks he is hers and is always on his Facebook Wall and whatever. He shared with me yesterday that his daughter is 5 months and I'm wondering if the baby was conceived while we were together. (We are in a log distance relationship that's why didn't know about his kids)

- The Realest - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

If the baby was born 5 months ago it is possible to say that your guy had sex with his ex. Because your saying that the mother of his kids is claiming that he is still her's then its a very likely chance that you and him may not truly be together after all a long distance relationship almost never works due to the lack of time spent together. I hope this helps.