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How can I politely stop my husband's family members from posting photos of my child on facebook? - Printable Version

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How can I politely stop my husband's family members from posting photos of my child on facebook? - niceWizard254 - 11-09-2012 07:33 PM

My husband's cousin takes a lot of photos to post on facebook, I don't have an account myself, but my sister-in-law does and I saw some photos of her and my 7 month old on her page. I feel like I should have been asked if it was ok to post them. She is my child and a minor. Thoughts?

- Matthew - 11-09-2012 07:42 PM

you can say i don't like when i post photos of my 7 month child hope this helps

- lovestolaugh - 11-09-2012 07:42 PM

The photos belong to them. If you let them take them, then you really have no right to tell them what to do with them. You might try asking them nicely if they would mind checking with you first. If they are taking the pictures without your knowledge, and you would like them to stop, then you should tell them that. Honestly, there is little you can do other than ask. Everything is public now, especially photos.

- Skygazer - 11-09-2012 07:42 PM

It doesn't bother me unless they're public. If they're private than only her FB friends can see them.

- wittyweek938 - 11-09-2012 07:42 PM

LOL, what's the problem?

- Selar - 11-09-2012 07:42 PM

I had a huge issue with that once, some young teen girls in our fellowship group posted pics of my daughter on myspace, at the time she was four. The girls (sisters) also had pictures of themselves, inappropriatly dressed, and touching tongues etc. I called the father, and was livid. I told him I would appreciate his daughters removing my daughters images off the internet and I did not want some dirty old man jacking off to my four year olds picture. He says, "it is set to private". I informed him, nothing is ever that private get it off now and I reserve the right to raise my child as I see fit, as does he and I absoultely will not peddle my children for others to have access to online. I have explicitly informed all members of my family to never post a picture of any of my minor children online. The best you can do is be blunt. It aggravated me then and still does now.

- j-dizzle - 11-09-2012 07:42 PM

Ive been there before - my in-laws doing something that my wife and I didn't agree with. The answer is: you have to tell them to stop doing it. You can be polite, but make sure there is no room for them to misunderstand what you mean, and make sure that they know that you are serious. If you don't, then this kind of thing will just keep eating at you until they do something even worse. In the end, your first loyalty is to your family (husband and child), not your parents and not his. Its better to hurt their feelings (if it comes to that) than go against your instinct as a parent. And the same with the hubby: he needs to support you, and not give in to his family. The final word: its far better to suffer some discomfort up front than to let things go on that you think aren't right! Good luck!

- sg - 11-09-2012 07:42 PM

''She is my child and a minor'' Stop being so possessive. She's THEIR family too. As for her being a minor, that really means nothing when it comes to them posting pictures. You really have no control over them posting pictures if the pictures are appropriate (her being fully clothed) However, if this is eating away at you, ask them how their privacy settings are for the pictures. Let them know that you don't want your daughter's pictures being visible to strangers and ask for them to set the pictures to friends only. Or, to take the pics off period. Your choice.good luck.

- garfield is my bff - 11-09-2012 07:42 PM

I honestly think that since they took it, it is basically THEIR picture and they can do whatever (not exactly 'whatever' but still) they want with the picture. And, what is the harm?

- nicnick23 - 11-09-2012 07:42 PM

Tell them straight out that you want them to remove the pictures. She is your child and I do not know why you don't want her on their but whatever it is is no doubt a good reason and as her mother they have no right to post pictures of your child without your consent. Why do you think they make parents sign for their children's pictures to be posted online or in the newspaper before they actually do it with anything? She's a minor she can't have it done unless you okay it and I would make sure they understand that.