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How would I find my brother whom I've never met? - Printable Version

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How would I find my brother whom I've never met? - Emily - 11-09-2012 07:34 PM

My mother gave up her first child for adoption, it was a closed adoption, and she hasn't seen him since the day she gave him up.
Now I am an "only child" and I would really really really like to find and potentially meet my older brother. How would I go about doing this? Are there any websites that could help me with this kind of situation? Or would contacting the adoption agency she went through help at all? Please help, this means a lot to me.

- Mrs. Perkins - 11-09-2012 07:42 PM

Try the easy stuff first.. Myspace Facebook, people search, court house where he would have been from.. if you know his name and age and where he could have lived look up their judicial records and see if he has a back ground!! OR try Google the Internet will help alot!! Some site you will have to pay, but make sure its a letget page!! Follow your heart a nd pray if it's God will he will lead you

- Claire Keohane - 11-09-2012 07:42 PM

Hi , i can see why this is so important to you so i will try i best. My aunt was in the same sort of situation you are in now and she found her brother after only about a few months searching for him. I showed her your answer and she said to ring the adoption agency and see what they can do or there is this website called Hope i helped! xxx