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What is a good age to get a facebook?what age did you get yours? - Printable Version

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What is a good age to get a facebook?what age did you get yours? - Pageant girl!(without the drama) - 11-09-2012 07:36 PM

I fell bad for my brother, he is going into highschool and doesn't have one, our parents won't let him(us) goin into 2nd year of middle school, i even want one.

- Jess - 11-09-2012 07:44 PM

i made mine when i was in my last year of high school, to keep in touch with all of my friends after graduation.

- Expertcow861 - 11-09-2012 07:44 PM

I got one when I was 19 【still 19】

Honestly don't see whats so great about it, so I don't see what he's missing out on.
Seriously if he wanted one he could just make one with a fake name, and never post pictures of him that showed up in the public profile...

Yaoi pwns facebook anyday~ 【so does msn...】

- Laura - 11-09-2012 07:44 PM

i got mine about 2 years ago and i finshed highschool about three. facebook is mainly for people to keep in contact with family or people they went to school with so maybe once he starts highschool he can get it. but honestly facebook for people who are older kids shouldnt have it too me thats why there is myspace for middle school kids and stuff but good luck!

- Tj - 11-09-2012 07:44 PM

i was 23 when i created one

- Ask Joey - 11-09-2012 07:44 PM

You have to be at least 13 to get a Facebook.

As for me, i got one when i was thirteen which was 8 months ago.

- Izzie - 11-09-2012 07:44 PM

I got mine when I was in 7th grade. though I didnt really use it till I was in high school. Now I'm 17 and I saw my cousins have one and they are like 11 and 13.. so I think its okay as long as you keep it private and only add ppl you know. I think your parents are just worried you'll add some random ppl and they will turn out to be creepy stalkers or rapists. lol just make sure you only add your friends Smile

- Cayleigh - 11-09-2012 07:44 PM

I got my Facebook just a few weeks ago at the end of April. The only reason I was aloud to get it was because I added my mom as a friend (my brother and sister didn't; they made theres in secret). I'm fourteen. But I know some eleven and twelve year olds who have Facebook accounts. I don't really see why some parents are so overprotective about whether or not their child has one. It's safe. If you don't want any creepers lurking on your profile, then set it to "Private"—or just don't put any precious info up (i.e. phone number, adress, etc.). It's really no big deal. :/

- hopeseeker08 - 11-09-2012 07:44 PM

i had my first social account when i was 12..the downside of having an account are things like cyber bullying, stalkers and privacy issue..if we are not careful enough to what we post it may lead us to trouble (e.g ruined relationships, infedility etc)...if you think you are mature enough to deal with tis issues then you could make one but be VERY VERY VERY RESPONSIBLE and CAREFUL...

- Bumblebee - 11-09-2012 07:44 PM

I think when you start Junior year (so like 16 or 17). I got mine at 18 (20 now). It's not that great. I got bored with it after a week. Hardly go on now. Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc., are all a waste of time. I have better things to do than see what people had for breakfast or what they are doing in at the very moment. And its more pathetic when people who have no lives post every single minute of the freaking day. And no one needs to know what I am doing at the very moment. Well anyway, I would say 16 or 17. School work should be more important than sitting on the computer or looking at your phone and facebooking and getting a tan from the radiation. Did you know that 1,500 hours at a computer can give you a tan? That's not good, its bad just like fake tanning, which I don't do either, its a waste of time and money, and then when I see orange people in the middle of winter I want to ask them if they are a oompa loofinally finally again I will say 16 or 17.