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How to make good friends in India? - Printable Version

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How to make good friends in India? - ☀ ρяιи¢єѕѕ вαявιє ☀ - 11-09-2012 07:37 PM

i have no best friends in my life as i am indian and there are no indians nearby my house in Canada.

i have never been to my own country .so,i never had any childhood indian friends.i would like to make friends in india.
Indians are very helpful.thats the reason for posting all my questions in indian section.
i am getting helpful answers from Indians.

i have no facebook account to make friends.

I would like to discuss about my home country,and i love to hear whenever my mother talk about India.

- Akash - 11-09-2012 07:45 PM

oops i think its your last ques. today
hmm i love my country really indians are very good. try to make id in facebook u will get some nice people or may be your neibour and ur childhood friends will also in fb so u will get also childhood friends on their

i am also indian and i wants to friendship with u.

below answerer is idiot he wants to make relation with you. he thought that when u came back india he will try to meet u and then he will try to ...... with u

- livelyjeans289 - 11-09-2012 07:45 PM

Hi, Iam indian too. Iam from karnataka(google it) its such a wonderful state. Iam happy that you are proud of our india.... Yes, we are one and we have a kind heart. It doesnt need to tell. People around our country , they knew it.
Dont worry you are still young one. You can visit india by your own when you grew up. If you wan2 communicate with indian peoples . Then there are many sociale networks like facebook, Orkut , etc....
I hope you find good friends :-)

- SH - 11-09-2012 07:45 PM

look out for good Indians near you...or make account in Indian dating sites!

- Ashish Negi - 11-09-2012 07:45 PM

start chatting on the facebook.

- sunny a - 11-09-2012 07:45 PM

join tagged group" Make Friends Across The World" and find suitable

- Arjun - 11-09-2012 07:45 PM

i am sidharth (govt employee)from (punjab)india....
any time u can call me
l me at 9501934700

- naveen19_srd - 11-09-2012 07:45 PM


well sweety....

if u want to makes friends.. start with gratitude ...
u say u dont have indian frnds in that country... well may be u can try find some..
there are always social networking sites to join ...
u say u dont have FB account.. why wait make one...

but u want to make frnds in real life or on internet... well deicide on this..
am sure indians in canada might not be far from where u live..

and there are always on internet.. u can find plenty online...
FB can be the real gud source to make new frnds.. but a word of caution...
be careful ... ppl mis-use many time.. try not to to on cam or something..
not to upload ur real pix .. except for just some..

talking about india and things happened here and abt some past..
there is hell lot to tell about.... u name it u can get it ...

heck if ur interested in some epic like "Mahabharth" heck am up for it..
the places where it actually happened... and why it happened.. everything that happened
had a reason... and it goes on like that...

well not sure wat exaclty you want to talk about.. but u can get watever u want..

bteu can make some frnds from here Yahoo Answeres itself... gud for that..

hope this helps

- Mohit Karana - 11-09-2012 07:45 PM

as far as concern about friendship.i wud like 2 say dat `check me out`.
i hav 2 many frnz and it will b owner 2 me if u join my company.
iam waiting.........................................................................​................................................................................​................................................................................​..............luk how much i waiting(lots of dots and one dot=1 hr.)
and its a invitation only 4 frndship.coz i hav my lover already.frst try above answerer, den me. iam damn sure u will like my company ,not their .

- highscarecrow246 - 11-09-2012 07:45 PM

i could be your friend...hope you will get many good indian friends...

but be careful with some boys in yahoo answers.....they will make u to fall in love and hurt you in the end.....