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How do you cheer yourself up when you feel so down? - Printable Version

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How do you cheer yourself up when you feel so down? - Beautiful Nightmare - 11-09-2012 07:43 PM

For some reason loads of things have suddenly piled up on me, like memories of my nan who died in 2000,regrets, worrying about my dad, worrying about the next few years at uni.... and talking to a very annoying self-centred so called "friend" on Facebook isn't helping.

How can you cheer yourself up? =(
Thank you! Especially you DS guys. =)

- Murzy - 11-09-2012 07:52 PM

i go out and have an ice cream. it always works for me

- BeZz1n_182 - 11-09-2012 07:52 PM

spend time with friends, just talk about it, open yourself up to someone you can trust. loads of things have been getting me down recently, but just talking to the important people in your life can help.

- Jane - 11-09-2012 07:52 PM

I know how it feels to be down. I would say go out and go see a comedy at the theatre. Going out will help with not being alone at home, and watching a funny movie will get you laughing.

- Crystal - 11-09-2012 07:52 PM

Listen to music, write a story/poem, watch an old favorite childhood movie (usually Disney for me), or watch a comedy. Otherwise, hang out with friends.

- loudshop415 - 11-09-2012 07:52 PM

Do you know what i do i have a nice scented bath and soak while eating a bar of Chocolate .choclate always makes me feel better

- Samantha - 11-09-2012 07:52 PM

A lot of people here have suggested great things. Do something fun! Go to the theater, see a movie, hang out with some friends, maybe treat yourself to some nice food. For me, the best is driving and talking with my mom or one of my friends and playing music. I know it's tough to leave the comforts of your bed when you're feeling down, but you'll feel so much better if you do! Trust me, napping never solves anything.

- JKooL - 11-09-2012 07:52 PM

It all depends on your state of mind and what you think about. You're thinking about the past and worrry about the future and you lose the present. It's like you need to snap out of it to get more focus in the here and now. Life is only real in this very moment. Sometimes it's as simple as eating something that makes you feel better. Sleep it off, have a different view by seeing or thinking that someone else is in a much worse situation than you are. You don't have cancer, you're not dying, you're not homeless, you're not hopeless. It's all about mental attitude, how you think. What if you know you're dying? Wouldn't you be more focused on enjoying the last days of your life? You'd want to do things you want to do. Worrying is a hindrance to enjoying life now. Go watch a funny movie or something that brings back good memories. We don't know what the future will bring. We might have no control of what happens but we can control how we react. We all have choices and the choices we make determine our destiny. Help someone else, be a friend to somebody, buy yourself a treat. Dont let your mind move to the past or future, be in the now.

- Sir Hoochalot - 11-09-2012 07:52 PM

Writing them all down. It's changes your perpective.

Only worrying about things that you can actually do something about. I can't help the fact that I currently have no job. I am doing everything possible to look for work. What is the point of worrying more?

And make sure you look after yourself generally. Eating the right foods, getting excerise, enough sleep, try and get out the house every day, even if it's just for a walk, etc.

Stop talking to that self-centered friend! You're just allowing yourself to feel worse. The last thing you need is her infuencing your feelings. Make your excuses and log off and then going and do something that usually makes you feel happy... read a book, watch a film, play with Charlie, talk to your brother, whatever it is.

- purringgame719 - 11-09-2012 07:52 PM

Aww stay strong :/

My nanny died in o6. My mother got assaulted and got put in the hospital followed by getting robbed. My brother is in jail, at 17 [He spent his 17th Birthday in Jail]. I have anger issues. I am happy one second, sad and depressed the next. My emotions are uncontrollable. I am NOT Bi-Polar, I am just, as one of my ex boyfriends said, "Screwed up with too many issues." I have seen too many things I should't have. I have too many memories that should be dissolved in to nothing.

I think you should try talking to your close friends that will listen. Hell, message me, text or call me. I know we don't know eachother IRL, but you're still one of my best contacts. Smile I'll listen, I won't push you away. You can try meditating, that removes some of the expressions and emotions. Physical exercise calms the mind and redirects thoughts and energy away from worries and concerns. Every dark night is followed by a bright. sunny day. So, patience and attention is required and things will be fruitful in near future.

Few excellent web sites-

You know what cheers me up?

HOW *I* RELEASE ANGER (learned this in my Anger Management Class)-

You Need-
Gloves, perferably Leather
Plastic Bag

You Do-

Put the Glass in the Plastic Bag, slap on some Gloves and hammer away! It REALLY helps release all sorts of emotions, not just anger. YELL EVERYTHING! -YELL YOUR FEELINGS, YOUR THOUGHTS, YOUR EMOTIONS, etc.. it really helps Smile

Everything else, I find listening to music helps. Oh, going on walks and drawing helps me a LOT. I can put all of my emotions thru artwork on paper.