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Spiritually speaking, if you just step back and observe, do things tend to fall into place by themselves? - Printable Version

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Spiritually speaking, if you just step back and observe, do things tend to fall into place by themselves? - Hahahahaha... ^_^ - 11-09-2012 07:44 PM

I mean to say more on the inside, personal qualities, spiritual developement, etc, but I suppose the question also counts for outside situations ^_^

What do you think?

- Just Be - 11-09-2012 07:53 PM

What is gained is greater clarity & vision from a POV not so immersed in the thick of it all.
This clarity will allow you to respond more often than just react.
The techniques & practice of being an observer allow one to begin to unhook & be in the world but not of it.
We tend to "fall asleep" during our day when involved with those required activities of living.
Being an observer is a waking & self remembering tool.
The things that happen within & without will still happen, but you will see them in subtle ways you have not before. It is the seeing them from this perspective that will allow changes to occur.
One can not change the cause of what they do not know exists.
Self observation & self remembering are some of the greatest disciplines I have used & reaped benefits from, still do.
The practice won't make you Holy, you are already that, but it will help to clear a place for that which is real & true within to manifest.
Many Blessings!

- Destiny Reborn - 11-09-2012 07:53 PM

Spiritually the more you detach yourself from the world the better things turn out to be. So by stepping back and observing instead of getting caught up with the worlds problems you will notice that things are much easier.

- amchusweezy - 11-09-2012 07:53 PM

I would have to say no. I think that who we are is made up of genetically determined qualities along with how we were raised, and the choices we make. Obviously we don't have control over some things, such as mental illnesses, but to an extent who we are is for a reason. Some qualities because of choices we have made, other qualities because of our genes.

- banjaran - 11-09-2012 07:53 PM

When you keep low profile for sometime everything becomes clear to you.

- annie42 - 11-09-2012 07:53 PM

I think many elderly people have seen that this can indeed be a powerful force for positive change...I think we may have lost the tools that involve really really listening, and taking our time before we act or talk. "Look before you leap". "Think before you speak". We are the twitter generation (well, my twittering is the bird outside, but you know what I mean). maybe it will play out ok, though, in the end...when we get tired of all the noise and the violence and the rudeness, and we all make that inner pledge to slow things down a bit. However, it is all a balance. One cannot sit by when there is work to be done, and injustices to right. It is a chicken-sh*t position to sit by and meditate all day, in my not-so-humble opinion.

- galaxy9871 - 11-09-2012 07:53 PM

I find by stepping back that often the result I wish for doesn't occur but that doesn't mean that things don't fall into place, they just don't happen in the order I would have done it. I don't think there is a correct answer for this question.

- Happydrum793 - 11-09-2012 07:53 PM

If one steps back, and one 'has' observed, one finds that things do fall into place if one co-works 'with' them; that he or she allows them to. Things allow and suggest an assist and the space to operate; and so there is somewhat nudging to be availed for which doing nothing had as surely be the prescription. In all reality, there is no thing that truly operates wholly of its own volition without another alongside to motivate it, to prompt it to continue to do and be what it is given to continue to do and be. Because, let us face it, what is there that is not spiritual, that does not have spiritual reason and purpose, and for which there does not require a balanced exchange, an export and an import?

- Big Hokkaido Foot - 11-09-2012 07:53 PM

yes, they will

- Rosemonster - 11-09-2012 07:53 PM

I feel that we create our reality as we go. If you sit back and observe, you become just that... an observer, not a player. Being responsible for your own life entails pro-activity and action. That said, I also believe that the universe unfolds exactly as it needs to. So the man that sits back and does nothing is learning what it's like to an observer in this lifetime.