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What should I do if my ex keeps writing things about me on Facebook? - Printable Version

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What should I do if my ex keeps writing things about me on Facebook? - dr - 11-09-2012 07:47 PM

So we broke up and it was "mutual" but then he asked me out again (twice) and I said no. So obviously he wrote a few things on Facebook and Twitter. At first they were normal (Like single; ugh) and what not...But they are getting more frequent, and he's tagging me in them, and writing on my wall. We only dated a few weeks, and it wasn't serious.

Basically what i'm saying is..should I mention it to him or just wait for it to blow over?

- Mysterious - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

Remove yourself from the situation. Let him know that you are offended by his statements and that you ask him to stop. Flag his profile and advise Facebook of his behavior. Flag his tweets as well. Then remove him from both of your accounts. Out of sight, out of mind. Never get consumed about what someone else thinks. He's an ex for a reason--- an EXample of what not to date!

Your reputation is important, which is why you're bothered. Tell him how you feel, be proactive, and take him off of your list. Just because one person has not moved on, that does not mean the other has to stay and wait!

- Queen - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

Talk to him about it and if he doesn't stop just delete and block him on Facebook and Twitter.

- Simon Felix - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

In the words of Russel Peters, "Next time, you tell him to f*** off!" no, in all seriousness, (or what's left of it) if you have guy friends, ask them if they can assist you

- Ronni - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

Block him, so that you can maintain a healthy life.

- Cindy - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

your better off ignoring it. delete him off facebook.

if you do retaliate or say anything to him, its just added fuel to the fire, coz if you respond hes knowing its getting to you.

best of leaving it and he will get bored soon.

- beanweed5150 - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

Ignore it cause it just makes you look like a stalker and crazy to other potential guys!

- Christina - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

Wait a little while but if this continues you definitely need to talk to him! That isn't right what he is doing especially if he is tagging you in the posts, what happened between you two is private and not for the entire social network to see. Tell him that you want him to stop what he is doing and if he doesn't block him on FB I know that wont do too much but it will help.

- largemom097 - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

Of course mention it to him, and tell him to knock it off. He can write anything he wants about himself in public, but he needs to leave you out of it and act like a man. Tell him as nicely as you see fit, but tell him directly and in plain language.

If he doesn't stop, he's risking several things. First, he's risking getting his azz kicked across the state line and back. Second, after you tell him to stop he's risking arrest and conviction for things like harassment and stalking. Cops are very (and I mean very) serious about that stuff, and doing it on facebook is the same as doing it in person. If that happens he'll get lots of love where he's going, but it won't be the kind he wants.

- BlueLee - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

Look as long as he isn't PUTTING your name ON the posts
or making it in any way that it is as bright as daylight who he is talking about...just let it pass,if no one knows who you are it shouldn't bring you any trouble.

But if it is going on for WEEKS non stop turning into month...confront him and tell him
"its enough of this sh*t you need to get OVER it" "stop posting on your facebook and twitter that we broke up".

but in all things said and done i would say wait till it blows over.