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Facebook ethics of adding a new friend question? - Printable Version

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Facebook ethics of adding a new friend question? - Emmanuel - 11-09-2012 07:47 PM

I wanted to ask what people's opinions would be about me adding a girl I knew from high school as a friend on facebook. I am interested in this girl, I dont know if she is in me but we were quite good friends in high school, then I cant remember what happened but I know it ended badly. Anyway its been about 3-4 years since we've even seen each other + Im sort of paranoid because she's got her relatives on her profile and Im not sure how she will react?

- - Miss Awesome - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

when you send the request just chuck in a quick message....the past is the past, your friendship ended badly but before that it was pretty good, and just send it And see what happens~ if she rejects it, then leave it

- Katherine A - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

eeeeh. she might be over it. the truth is you never know till you try. if things ended really really bad chancea are she doesnt wanna hear from you sorry. ): but you can try! but prepare yourself kay?

- Forlorn Hope - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

send her a message and see what she says...

- ixxe27 - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

add her, and then on the side send her a message saying you don't exactly remember how you two ended but you'd like to be friends again because you miss her and would like to know what she's been doing with herself and blah blah the usual... but if you do actually remember how badly it ended and it was your fault, then don't even bother lol...

- Maximus - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

There's nothing wrong with trying. The worst that can happen is that she says no, but having her do it is better than not trying at all.

- Vanessa - 11-09-2012 07:56 PM

When you send her a request, just send her a message acknowledging that your friendship ended badly; apologize for whatever you did to anger or hurt her (read: Do NOT say "I'm sorry you feel that way" because it means nothing, make it a sincere apology) and ask if you can be friends again. That way you've put it all on the table; you've acknowledged what went wrong and said sorry. You're giving her the perfect opportunity to get things off her chest if she needs to and to accept your request if she's going to. If she doesn't accept you, then you'll know that it's time to move on.

& What do her relatives have to do with it?