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What would you do if a girl who you have never seen, keeps flirting with your boyfriend? - Printable Version

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What would you do if a girl who you have never seen, keeps flirting with your boyfriend? - Amy Anthony - 11-09-2012 07:57 PM

I'm in a long distance relationship (almost 2 years). There are two girls that I have never seen who keep flirting with my boyfriend on his facebook page and posting :-* on his wall! Am I crazy if this bothers me? I know that you should trust if you want LTD to work out and I have. Otherwise this wouldn't go on for two years! But this one is somehow outrageous! What would you do?

- *blah* - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

I would suggest to my boyfriend that he reminds these women he is in a relationship and he is flattered but doesn't appreciate their advances.

- Adriane - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

Honestly I wouldn't let it bother me if I were you. My sister's boyfriend has a lot of fangirls who cling to him due to his vampire-like appearance ( tall, dark hair, pale skin, skinny). Most have gone as far as to describe their underwear to him and to suggest sexual activities with him, and one has even kissed him, but my sister doesn't mind it because A) he chose her and B) she trusts him.

To be honest, in all really comes down to trust. In my sister's case, she's kind of lucky that her boyfriend doesn't like fake girls or whores. If you believe your guy is that type then you're safe. If not, reevalute the relationship. Long distance relationships are very hard to make successful due to the loneliness each person feels in the absence of their loved one, and the availability of other attractive people in the area. The other thing to consider is not all flirting is actually serious. I have plenty of girl friends that I partake in sexual innuendo with but never actually intend on doing anything with and they understand that we're just friends. It's part of being a guy, we enjoy sexual banter even if we have our eyes set on someone else.

One thing you could do is take a random visit to see if he's cheating or not. Or you could contact the offending girls and get their side of the story as girls are a lot less likely to lie about it than your boyfriend is.