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How to win an ex boyfriend back? - Printable Version

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How to win an ex boyfriend back? - Katie - 11-09-2012 07:57 PM

My boyfriend broke up with me a few months ago and I was devastated. However recently he has started speaking to me on facebook, mostly everyday. What can i do/say to make him see that we were right for each other and that we should give it another go? Please help! Smile x

- luis72091 - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

You look dumb. He dumps you then pulls you back in. He knows how to spit game.

- Aron Last namesy - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

well, first of all why did he broke up with you? did you guys have a sexual relationship? he probably miss you coz of that.. that's all.

- Ardy - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

Don't try. That's the most successful way.

- Cindy - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

Play hard to get. Make yourself unavailable. The best way to make someone realize that they still have feelings for you is to make them miss you.

- dementedhumor - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

Make up another guy that you're interested in. If you start talking about dates and such and he's happy for you- it's done. If he fights for you- he's yours.

- KayElle<3 - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

don't get back together with him. it may take time but you'll get over him.

- Anna - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

To win an ex boyfriend back, you do what to win a boyfriend in the first place!

So pretty much, be the chick who he knows his life will be better with. make him smile, be sweet, be nice, be feminine, be easy going, be willing to laugh at his jokes, and treat what he's saying like the most interesting thing in the world. you dont have to ask him out. you dont have to interrogate him on anything. all you've got to do is be nice and welcoming when he talks to you. if a guy wants to be with you, he will do something about it, unless he's scared. so if you keep being awesome in general, this guy will question whether breaking up with you was the right decision. if he likes you enough, he will make the decision to ask you to get back together with him.

an analogy you might find helpful: just picture this: you are the CEO of your life and he is somebody who is applying to get a job, applying to be part of your life, applying to be your boyfriend. does the CEO chase after employees? No! The CEO keeps being awesome and knows that any employee that is interested enough will keep persevering to get the job. this means DONT ask him where things are going, DONT ask him to get back together with you. let him do that. if he wants it, he'll chase after it

- faintwrenchadvice767 - 11-09-2012 08:05 PM

guys are genetically predisposed to lose interest then periodically regain interest ,, if you think about the caveman and evolution this affords the male to mate leave mate elsewhere then return mate again disperse sperm to many mates insuring that his genetic strand is plentiful
cave women on the other hand were more likely to survive when the male stayed to protect from attackers so it's hard wired to attach to one mate,
really it's all about what you want now, if you like a boyfriend that is periodically interested go ahead
but keep in mind your property value will decrease over time you'll have a bunch of kids and be a general headache and be less attractive so your ideas of a mate will change over time