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What do you think of my idea for a book? - Printable Version

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What do you think of my idea for a book? - Jake T is back! - 10-02-2012 04:04 PM

Through out my senior year i kept a journal. in my journal i included real text messages, pics of facebook fights, twitter wars, and instant messages. It tells my real story of my senior year and it covers all my homecoming, prom, disneyland and in between drama and good times. i feel like not only would it be interesting for people to read for entertainment, but being bisexual i also went through so much drama and stuff. i feel like if i changed the names of the people and really put it out there, it could help others suffering and make them realize to not give up and that life does get better after high school. theres so much suicide the world now. my book would give people a real inside view of what high school is really like. and it put jersey shore to shame lol. what do you think? i can include a sample if you want.
just so you know too, i went from being hella hated my freshman year, to my enemies becoming my best friends and best friends becoming my enemies. and i included also what people wrote in my year book. it also makes a better story that i was nominated for homecoming and prom king. and had hella drama there too. i even included inspiration quotes at the end of some dates. and people could really learn from all my sticky situations so that they dont repeat the same mistakes i made.

- 22CC - 10-02-2012 04:12 PM

Still a better love story than Twilight.

- Brianna - 10-02-2012 04:12 PM

I think it would be an interesting book if you write it well. I bet it would indeed help a lot of people out there go through troubles of being Bisexual also(: I would like to read it once you put it up (if you do). Good luck! Big Grin

- Odd Future - 10-02-2012 04:12 PM

I don't think it's my type of book, but it certainly sounds like it could make some money. The problem is, unless something extreme happened, like a vivid description of a time you tried suicide or something...people may find it boring. Yo may need to embellish or something.

- hollowgiraffe754 - 10-02-2012 04:12 PM

I agree with 22CC.

- xx-BabyCake-xx - 10-02-2012 04:12 PM

Wow, that actually sounds so good! The only thing is, i beleive in order to make it more enjoyable, you would have to fabricate or extend on events that happened in your senior year, to make it more like a novel... But i would actually love to read it!

- chargersfan3421 - 10-02-2012 04:12 PM

just write about black people.....they always make things more interesting