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Sending Facebook invites to a wedding as well as official invites in the mail? - Printable Version

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Sending Facebook invites to a wedding as well as official invites in the mail? - Tamara D - 11-09-2012 08:01 PM

Would it be tacky to send out invites on Facebook? obviously I would send out proper invitations in the mail but I'm thinking that it would be easier to keep track of attendance on Facebook.

- HIS! - 11-09-2012 08:10 PM

Why not?

Edit: Wow! What strong opinions you're receiving. ;-) I certainly don't think that a Facebook event should take the place of a formal invitation. However, I also don't think there is anything wrong with using the Facebook event invite as kind of a "save the date" type thing with friends of your age. I was assuming you weren't going to insist that Grandmothers get a Facebook so they could RSVP.

But I do admit I considered the possibility that some of your friends might RSVP via Facebook and those same people might be the ones you have to call because they neglected to return the RSVP card. If they said "Yes" on Facebook, you can always remind them close to the deadline that you have to have a definite answer. Maybe it's not covered on traditional wedding etiquette, but I think it's a novel and possibly helpful idea.

- Jason - 11-09-2012 08:10 PM

Yes it would be tacky.

- Krizzle - 11-09-2012 08:10 PM

Kind of defeats the purpose of your expensive invites! I'd refer to facebook if you're not hearing from people towards the deadline RSVP date.

- Masterrailway328 - 11-09-2012 08:10 PM

I love FB but I would not send invites to my wedding from there! I really do think that is tacking! Now what is cool is to start a group under your new last name example " wilson wedding group".
I don't like the invite idea!

Good luck!

- Mrs.G on 6/20/09! - 11-09-2012 08:10 PM

As long as you send PROPER PAPER invites too, I dont see the problem. Do you have weddingbook? Its an application that has a lot of stuff on your wedding etc and you can add a guestbook. This will let people know they are invited as well. When you add them to your guestbook they will get an alert saying " you have been invited to Sally and John's wedding". I highly recommend it. Its really cool, you can list your wedding party, your registry, your website...all through facebook!

But anyways, I can relate to your dilemma, with so many people on facebook its hard not to just invite them all in a mass email!!! I would go the weddingbook route if I were you. People are aware that they are invited but its not formal, so you can still send a pretty invitation.

Type it into the search area on facebook and you will see!! It even puts it on your status when you update it so people can stay posted on your wedding!!

- CorpCityGrl - 11-09-2012 08:10 PM

Don't do that--it's tacky and a bit rude. To be honest, I'm not a fan of any kind of invite via e-mail for formal events. I find that it takes away from it all and is rather impersonal.

- miss understood - 11-09-2012 08:10 PM

I sent out traditional invites, and then after the RSVP date past, I sent out reminders through the email or Myspace, which ever source I knew the person checked more. It did help with responses. I would only send reminders to people who haven't responded though, as it is a little tacky to initially invite people through these sources. My wording was more of "please get me your response card" then "you are invited".

- Friendlychin182 - 11-09-2012 08:10 PM

yes, ridiculous and silly. I love facebook, but never in a million years would I actually send out a wedding invite that way, even if I was following it up with a real one.

- zynkkah - 11-09-2012 08:10 PM

Why not! i think that its a great idea.