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Why doesn’t Facebook notify you if you get deleted? - Printable Version

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Why doesn’t Facebook notify you if you get deleted? - Bill Dykes - 11-09-2012 08:02 PM

Won’t it be nice if Facebook gave you a notification or something or even sent you an automatic e-mail if someone deletes you or blocks you off of their profile? Why is it this can never happen? Is Facebook ever going to notify you if someone deletes you? Just like if someone adds you on Facebook, you get an e-mail saying that someone sent you a friend request or confirmed you on Facebook but what about if they delete you?

- wintersnow - 11-09-2012 08:10 PM

Its facebooks biggest problem.
They need to notify you when someone blocks you
So you won't keep wondering if theres a glitch or
facebook problem or is something wrong with your
computer. Then you have to go to a different account
just to look the person up to see if they show up.
Its the cowards way out. If someone deletes you
then you should know about it.
One of my best posters, the one I always looked forward
to reading - Just deleted/blocked me tonight for No reason
at all. I'm wondering if its the timeline thing and maybe
he'll be back on after 7 days. I just don't know.
It looks like he blocked me for no reason.
I'm getting so tired of facebook.

- Link H - 11-09-2012 08:10 PM

next i suppose you will want to know some reason that you got deleted. well, just fagedaboudit! hahaha. call it an accident! If they miss you and liked you enough to notice you are deleted, they will try to friend you again. Then it will be your turn to be a jerk.

Being friended is completely different. Getting a notification gives you a chance to respond quickly and exchange ideas. On the flip side (being unfriended) a quick response is usually not the best idea.

- bubbrqurl - 11-09-2012 08:10 PM

well probs bcoz dey dnt wantchu to noe dat dey deleted you or blockeed you,,tru it does notify wen yu been added or accepted but blockinqq nd& beinq deleted is different?